Installation Guide

Instrucciones para el kit de bandeja enrollable
Paso 1: Marco frontal de perforación previa
Retire las puertas del gabinete. Mida desde la parte superior del riel transversal inferior del marco
frontal del gabinete hasta las dimensiones a continuación. Haga una marca en el interior del riel
del extremo en ese lugar. En esa marca, mida desde el exterior del marco frontal hacia atrás 3/8”
y marque. Donde las dos marcas se cruzan, taladre previamente un oricio de ½” de profundidad
por 1/8” de diámetro. Repita el paso en el lado opuesto de la abertura del marco frontal.
Instalación en la parte inferior del gabinete:
- Mida hasta 1 1/8”
Instalación encima del estante ajustable:
- Mide hasta 13”
Paso 2: Prepare la diapositiva de los miembros del gabinete
Instalación en la parte inferior del gabinete:
Si su gabinete tiene oricios previamente perforados en el panel posterior, instale los miembros del
gabinete con enchufes traseros en los oricios previamente perforados. Si su gabinete NO tiene
oricios previamente perforados en el panel posterior, retire el enchufe posterior de los miembros
del gabinete. Fije la corredera del miembro del gabinete al bloque de montaje con un tornillo de
5/8”. Continúe con el Paso 3 para obtener más instrucciones.
Instalación encima del estante ajustable:
Si su gabinete tiene oricios previamente perforados en el panel posterior, instale los miembros del gabinete con enchufes traseros en los
oricios previamente perforados. Si su gabinete NO tiene oricios pretaladrados en el panel posterior, mantenga los enchufes posteriores
instalados en los miembros del gabinete. Continúe con el Paso 3 para obtener más instrucciones.
Asegúrese de que la diapositiva esté orientada como se muestra en el detalle de la derecha. Coloque el espaciador de bandeja enrollable
de 1/8” de espesor en el miembro del gabinete, como también se muestra en detalle a la derecha. Repita el paso para el deslizador del
miembro opuesto del gabinete.
Paso 3: Instalación del tobogán para miembros del gabinete
Instalación en la parte inferior del gabinete:
Asegúrese de que la diapositiva esté orientada como se muestra en el detalle a la derecha y que
el tornillo esté colocado en el oricio que se muestra. Fije el frente de la corredera del miembro del
gabinete y el espaciador a presión al marco frontal en el oricio pretaladrado (consulte el paso 1)
usando un tornillo de 5/8”. El espaciador debe ubicarse entre el marco frontal y la corredera del
miembro del gabinete. Repita el paso para el deslizador del miembro opuesto del gabinete.
10/15/2023 A5176-ESP-Rev 1
Piezas incluidas:
(1) Bandeja enrollable con diapositivas adjuntas
(1) Par de diapositivas para miembros del gabinete
(2) Espaciadores a presión de 1/8”
(4) Tornillos para madera de cabeza plana o de cabeza
embellecedora de 5/8"
(2) Tornillos para madera de cabeza plana o de cabeza
embellecedora de 2-1/2"
(1) Kit RTBP (incluye topes y tornillos de 5/8")
Herramientas necesarias:
Destornillador Phillips Cinta métrica
Broca de 3/32”
Broca de 1/8”
Broca de 5/16”
Herramienta de marcado
(11/29/19) A5019 R20
Instructions for Roll Tray Kit
Parts Included:
(1) Roll Tray with Slides Attached
(1) Pair of Cabinet Member Slides
(2) Mounting Blocks
(2) 1/8 Snap-on Spacers
(4) #6 x 5/8” Wood Screws
(2) #10 x 2 1/2” Wood Screws
(1) RTBP Kit (Includes bumpers & #6 screws)
Pre-Drill Face Frame
Remove the doors from the cabinet. Measure up from
the top of the bottom cross rail of the cabinet face
frame to the dimensions below. Make a mark on
inside of the end rail at that location. At that mark
measure from the outside of the face frame back 3/8”
and mark. Where the two marks intersect, predrill a ½”
deep by 1/8” diameter hole. Repeat step on opposite
side of face frame opening.
Installation to Bottom of Cabinet:
- Measure up 1 1/8”
Installation Above Adjustable Shelf:
- Measure up 13”
Installation of Cabinet Member Slide
Installation to Bottom of Cabinet:
Make sure the slide is oriented as shown in the detail to the
right and that the screw is placed in the hole shown. Attach
the front of the cabinet member slide and snap-on spacer to
the face frame in the pre-drilled hole (refer to step 1) using a
#6 x 5/8” screw. The spacer should be located between the
face frame and the cabinet member slide. Repeat step for
opposite cabinet member slide.
Tools Needed:
Phillips Head Screwdriver
Tape Measure
3/32” Drill Bit
1/8” Drill Bit
5/16” Drill Bit
Marking Tool
Prepare Cabinet Member Slide
Installation to Bottom of Cabinet:
If your cabinet has pre-drilled holes in the back panel, install the cabinet
members with back sockets into the pre-drilled holes.
If your cabinet does NOT have pre-drilled holes in the back panel, remove the
back socket from the cabinet members. Attach cabinet member slide to
mounting block with a #6 x 5/8” screw. Proceed to Step 3 for further
Installation Above Adjustable Shelf:
If your cabinet has pre-drilled holes in the
back panel, install the cabinet members
with back sockets into the pre-drilled holes.
If your cabinet does NOT have pre-drilled
holes in the back panel, keep back sockets
installed on cabinet members and.
Proceed to Step 3 for further instruction.
Make sure the slide is oriented as shown in the detail to the right. Snap 1/8”
thick roll tray spacer onto cabinet member as also shown in detail to the
right. Repeat step for opposite cabinet member slide.
(11/29/19) A5019 R20
Instructions for Roll Tray Kit
Parts Included:
(1) Roll Tray with Slides Attached
(1) Pair of Cabinet Member Slides
(2) Mounting Blocks
(2) 1/8 Snap-on Spacers
(4) #6 x 5/8” Wood Screws
(2) #10 x 2 1/2” Wood Screws
(1) RTBP Kit (Includes bumpers & #6 screws)
Pre-Drill Face Frame
Remove the doors from the cabinet. Measure up from
the top of the bottom cross rail of the cabinet face
frame to the dimensions below. Make a mark on
inside of the end rail at that location. At that mark
measure from the outside of the face frame back 3/8”
and mark. Where the two marks intersect, predrill a ½”
deep by 1/8” diameter hole. Repeat step on opposite
side of face frame opening.
Installation to Bottom of Cabinet:
- Measure up 1 1/8”
Installation Above Adjustable Shelf:
- Measure up 13”
Installation of Cabinet Member Slide
Installation to Bottom of Cabinet:
Make sure the slide is oriented as shown in the detail to the
right and that the screw is placed in the hole shown. Attach
the front of the cabinet member slide and snap-on spacer to
the face frame in the pre-drilled hole (refer to step 1) using a
#6 x 5/8” screw. The spacer should be located between the
face frame and the cabinet member slide. Repeat step for
opposite cabinet member slide.
Tools Needed:
Phillips Head Screwdriver
Tape Measure
3/32” Drill Bit
1/8” Drill Bit
5/16” Drill Bit
Marking Tool
Prepare Cabinet Member Slide
Installation to Bottom of Cabinet:
If your cabinet has pre-drilled holes in the back panel, install the cabinet
members with back sockets into the pre-drilled holes.
If your cabinet does NOT have pre-drilled holes in the back panel, remove the
back socket from the cabinet members. Attach cabinet member slide to
mounting block with a #6 x 5/8” screw. Proceed to Step 3 for further
Installation Above Adjustable Shelf:
If your cabinet has pre-drilled holes in the
back panel, install the cabinet members
with back sockets into the pre-drilled holes.
If your cabinet does NOT have pre-drilled
holes in the back panel, keep back sockets
installed on cabinet members and.
Proceed to Step 3 for further instruction.
Make sure the slide is oriented as shown in the detail to the right. Snap 1/8”
thick roll tray spacer onto cabinet member as also shown in detail to the
right. Repeat step for opposite cabinet member slide.
(11/29/19) A5019 R20
Instructions for Roll Tray Kit
Parts Included:
(1) Roll Tray with Slides Attached
(1) Pair of Cabinet Member Slides
(2) Mounting Blocks
(2) 1/8 Snap-on Spacers
(4) #6 x 5/8” Wood Screws
(2) #10 x 2 1/2” Wood Screws
(1) RTBP Kit (Includes bumpers & #6 screws)
Pre-Drill Face Frame
Remove the doors from the cabinet. Measure up from
the top of the bottom cross rail of the cabinet face
frame to the dimensions below. Make a mark on
inside of the end rail at that location. At that mark
measure from the outside of the face frame back 3/8”
and mark. Where the two marks intersect, predrill a ½”
deep by 1/8” diameter hole. Repeat step on opposite
side of face frame opening.
Installation to Bottom of Cabinet:
- Measure up 1 1/8”
Installation Above Adjustable Shelf:
- Measure up 13”
Installation of Cabinet Member Slide
Installation to Bottom of Cabinet:
Make sure the slide is oriented as shown in the detail to the
right and that the screw is placed in the hole shown. Attach
the front of the cabinet member slide and snap-on spacer to
the face frame in the pre-drilled hole (refer to step 1) using a
#6 x 5/8” screw. The spacer should be located between the
face frame and the cabinet member slide. Repeat step for
opposite cabinet member slide.
Tools Needed:
Phillips Head Screwdriver
Tape Measure
3/32” Drill Bit
1/8” Drill Bit
5/16” Drill Bit
Marking Tool
Prepare Cabinet Member Slide
Installation to Bottom of Cabinet:
If your cabinet has pre-drilled holes in the back panel, install the cabinet
members with back sockets into the pre-drilled holes.
If your cabinet does NOT have pre-drilled holes in the back panel, remove the
back socket from the cabinet members. Attach cabinet member slide to
mounting block with a #6 x 5/8” screw. Proceed to Step 3 for further
Installation Above Adjustable Shelf:
If your cabinet has pre-drilled holes in the
back panel, install the cabinet members
with back sockets into the pre-drilled holes.
If your cabinet does NOT have pre-drilled
holes in the back panel, keep back sockets
installed on cabinet members and.
Proceed to Step 3 for further instruction.
Make sure the slide is oriented as shown in the detail to the right. Snap 1/8”
thick roll tray spacer onto cabinet member as also shown in detail to the
right. Repeat step for opposite cabinet member slide.
Travesaño inferior
a presión
Marco de
Espaciador a presión
Utilice este agujero en el