Operation Manual

1. Insert from outside the room cable into left side of the wall
hole, in which the pipe has already existed.
2. Pull out the cable on the front side, and connect the cable
making a loop.
When connecting the cable, conrm the terminal number of indoor and
outdoor units carefully. If wiring is not correct, proper operation can not
be carried out and will cause defect.
Insert the cable from the back
side of the unit, then pull it out
on the front side.
Loosen the screws and insert
the cable ends fully into
terminal block, then
tighten the screws.
Pull the cable slightly to
make sure the cables have
been properly inserted and
After the cable connection,
never fail to fasten the connected cable with the
wiring cover.
When connecting the cable after installing the indoor unit
When connecting the cable before installing the indoor unit
1. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its
service agent or a similar qualied person. The type of connecting wire is
or H07RN-F.
2. If the fuse on PC board is broken please change it with the
type of
3. The wiring method should be in line with the local wiring standard.
4. After installation, the power plug should be easily reached.
5. A breaker should be incorporated into xed wiring. The breaker should be
switch and the distance between its two c
ontacts should be not less
than 3mm.
T.3.15A/250VAC (Indoor).
To Outdoor unit
Connecting wiring
The power source must be exclusively used for air
In the case of installing an air conditioner in a moist place,
please install
an ea
For installation in other places, use a circuit breaker as far
as possible.
Pipe cutting is carried out with a pipe cutter and burs must be removed.
After inserting the are nut, aring work is carried out.
Power Source Installation
Cutting and Flaring Work of Piping
Flare tool for R410A Conventional are tool
Clutch-type clutch-type(Rigid-type) Wing-nut type (Imperial-type)
A 0~0.5mm 1.0~1.5mm 1.5~2.0mm
rth leakage breaker.
Damage of are Partial Too outside
Correct Incorrect
On Drainage
It becomes
high midway.
The gap with the
ground is too small.
There is the bad
smell from a ditch
It waves.
The end is imm-
ersed in water.
Please install the drain hose so as to be downward slope without fail.
Please don’t do the drainage as shown below.
Please pour water in the drain pan of the indoor unit, and
is carried out surely to outdoor.
In case that the attached drain hose is in a room, please
apply heat
Less than
conrm that
it without fail.
Indoor unit
Check Items for Test Run
Gas leak from pipe connecting?
Heat insulation of pipe connecting?
Are the connecting wirings of indoor and outdoor rmly
Is the connecting wiring of indoor and outdoor rmly xed?
Is drainage securely carried out?
Is the earth line securely connected?
Is the indoor unit securely xed?
Is power source voltage abided by the code?
Is there any noise?
Is the lamp normally lighting?
Are cooling and heating (when in heat pump) performed normally?
Is the operation of room temperature regulator normal?
Please kindly explain to our customers how to
through the instruction manual.
inserted to the terminal block?
Put check mark
in boxes
Flare tooling die
1.Cut pipe
2.Remove burs
3.Insert the are nut
4.Flare pipe
On Drainage
Check for Installation and Test Run
C ode
indica tio n
Trouble descrip tio n
Analyze an d dia gnose
H eat-exc hange
sensor failu re
Indoor E E P R O M
C om m unica tio n
fault be tw een
indoor and outdo or
Indoor fa n m otor
m alfunction
O peration halt due to breaking
of w ire inside the fan m otor;
O peration halt due to breaking
of th e fan m otor lead w ires;
D etec tio n error due to faulty
indoor unit PC B ;
Indoor unit- outdo or unit s ignal
transm ission erro r du
e to w iring
Fa ulty PC B ;
Fa ulty E E P R O M data;
Fa ulty E E P R O M ;
Fa ulty P C B ;
Fa ulty connector conne ction;
Fa ulty the rm istor;
Fa ulty PC B ;
Room temperature
sensor failure