#8 Next Gen Arctic Series Single Zone Systems Later premiere Archie Berle inverter heal runs sap efecivelvredure your ere ray coats while maintaining an ideal condor] level The integration of Haley Ephesus chinning provides scenting] year round comfort with 109% taped heating pacify ar AOE and comloriabhowany alr down to B10 Key Features DC = = Wake ra ¢ Jn bar . © mere | . ema BES Bitmap ane Meditation: Eon | Pho Ean .
Next Gen ON Arctic SERIES Highball Systems Specifications Compressor Type: DC Inverter Driven Rotary Voltage/Cycle/Phase: Operating Range wir Tulle WWF wif Bue we Lute WIE ial HEEHAW sat Outdoor UOREHIVHI/1UOPEHRVHE 1U12EH2VHD/1U12EH2VHE 1U1BEHZVHD/AUTEEHRVHE ure TRB ARMS Bea Bed 1 84691-85048 84691-85048 5/0 541 hs © Indoor AWOSEH2VHD AW12EH2VHD ARCHIVED ure © pdgs1 pods 4 0 8461-85045 8 oust kod 2 Reed Capacity Bhutto 500 12,000 8000 Capacity Range Btu/hr A300 12,000 3,100 15,000 8.500 21.
#8 Next Gen Arctic Series Single Zone Systems £4 smarter Next Gen oN Arctic SEARS © Sean this code with your smart device to learn mots about ; Arctic mini-spits, = H Later premiere Archie Berle inverter heal runs sap efecivelvredure your ere ray coats while maintaining an ideal condor] level The integration of Haley Ephesus chinning provides scenting] year round comfort with 109% taped heating pacify ar AOE and comloriabhowany alr down to B10 Key Features 5 sna 5 3 ERT Hes Li 3 Lo wes | wae i HP FLAPS smea