User's Manual

CEC Wireless
SMS tone Ringer N/A Vibrate
Ringer +
Org alert tone Ringer N/A Vibrate
Ringer +
Alarm tone Ringer N/A Vibrate
Ringer +
Ringer/alarm volume Vo l u me 3 Vol u me 1 Vol u me 1 Vol u me 3
Game tone On Off Off On
Flip-open reminder Off Off Off On
Key tone On Off Off On
Connection alert On On On On
Battery alert On On On On
Switch tone On Off Off On
Minute reminder On Off Off Off
Each mode has 3 menus: “Enable”, “Personalize” and “Rename”. You can choose “Enable” to enable
the selected mode and “Personalize” to modify the values of the selected mode and “Rename” to change the
name of the selected mode.
3.4 Business assistant
3.4.1 E-book
Function of “E-book” is similar to notebook of windows. You can create new text file, input text, save,
modify, delete and etc. Only E-book coded in Unicode is supported.
After E-book is entered without existing file, editor will be opened and you can new text file. If there are
already existing files, the file list will be displayed on the screen and the “Options” soft key provides the
following functions:
z Create: Empty file will be opened and you can edit new text file.
z Open: The selected file will be opened to check.
z Delete: The selected file will be deleted.
z Rename: The selected file will be renamed.
z Details: You can check the information of the selected file, including file name, size, etc.
z Send by IRDA: You can send the selected file by IRDA.
3.4.2 Organizer
In this menu you can new, check, change and delete schedules or check the capacity. After the Organizer
is opened the monthly calendar will be displayed on the screen and you can open options menu by the Left
Soft key. You can switch to weekly calendar by selecting “Weekly” and vice versa. New
You need to set date, beginning time, ending time (ending time is later than beginning time), text, alert
type and repeat type.
You need to set date, time, text, alert type and repeat type. Check
You can check all schedules of the month (under monthly calendar) or the week (under weekly
calendar). Check all
You can check all schedules saved in the phone. Delete all
By selecting the menu and confirming, you can delete all (including passed and not happened) schedules