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8. This button mutes both channels. Pressing the button again deactivates the mute function. You
may also use the space bar of the keyboard to mute or un-mute the LS1.
9. Mute L and Mute R will mute either the left or right channel. They toggle with each other and
with the large mute button. By clicking on the active button, the mute is deactivated again.
10. The Dim button lowers the signal level, until it is deactivated by pressing the button once
again. The signal can be attenuated by either 10dB or 20dB, which can be set in the Settings
window. A mouse-over pop up help indicates the current setting.
11. The Zoom button raises the signal by 20dB to check for hums and buzzes. Pressing it again
deactivates the function and brings the signal back down. To avoid the risk of blowing your
speakers, a limiter is engaged when the zoom function is on. If you play music when using the
zoom function, an attenuated and distorted sound will be heard. This is normal. Use Zoom only
for checking very low level sounds.
12. The Mono function sums both sides of the stereo signal into one mono signal, which is then
played back on both speakers. If you want to listen to a ’real‘ mono source, you can additionally
press either the ’Mute L‘ or ’Mute R‘ button and mute one of the speakers. You will now hear both
sides of the stereosignal mixed and played back on one speaker.
(-> This function offers a great tool while setting up your LS1‘s. Listen to the mono sum of your music in
turn on the left and right speaker and move your loudspeakers until both sound identical.)
13. The S (for Side) function calculates the difference between the left and right signals and plays
them on both speakers. This is a very useful tool for checking the stereo content during recording
or mixing and for monitoring MS processing during mastering.
14. The swap button swaps the left and right speaker channels, a trick used by mixing engineers
to temporarily have a fresh look on the stereo balance of the mix. If the left and right speakers
are physically reversed and you want to permanently swap them, please do not use this swap
button but check out the ‚Remote Connection‘ setting in the LS1 tab of the Settings window in
15. The Sim function activates a digital simulation of either a ported speaker system or a small
box shelf type speaker, which can be set in the preferences. This can help the audio engineer
determine how a mix ’translates‘ to other types of speaker systems. For your home listening
pleasure you want to make sure that this button is turned off!
Software Control Settings
Software Control Settings
Software Control Settings