User guide

4. General Product Information
20 PNEG-751-G2 12" Series II Sweep 131' and 135' Diameter
Taper-Lock Bushings
Figure 4A Number 1008 to 3030 Bushing
To Install
1. Clean shaft, bore and outside of bushing and hub bore of all oil, paint and dirt. File away burrs.
2. Insert bushing in hub. Match the hole pattern, not threaded holes (each complete hole will be
threaded on one side only).
3. Lightly oil set screws and thread into the half-threaded holes indicated as in Figure 4A.
4. Position the assembly onto the shaft allowing for the small axial movement which will occur during
the tightening procedure.
5. Alternately torque set screws to recommended torque setting listed in the Chart below.
6. To increase the gripping force, hammer the face of the bushing using a drift or sleeve. (Do not hit the
bushing directly with the hammer.)
7. Re-torque the screws after hammering.
8. Re-check the screw torques after the initial run-in and periodically thereafter. Repeat Steps 5, 6
and 7 if loose.
Recommended Installation Wrench Torque
Bushing # lbs.-in Bushing # lbs.-in
1008, 1108 55 3535 1000
1210, 1215, 1310 175 4040 1700
1610, 1615 175 4545 2450
2012 280 5050 3100
2517, 2525 430
6050, 7060, 8065 7820
3020, 3030 800
Insert set screws to install
Insert set screw to remove
Wedging forces in the bushing saw slot, such as that exerted by a narrow edged
regular screw driver, may damage or break the bushing. This damage would not
be covered under the GSI warranty.
Do not lubricate the bushing taper, bushing bore, hub taper or the shaft. Doing so
could result in breakage of the product.
Do not use worn hex key wrenches. Doing so may result in a loose assembly or
may damage the screws.