
20 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-GSZ16
SS-GSZ16 www.goodmanmfg.com 21
AHRI Ratings
Energy Star® Certified Combinations ^
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ASPT25B14A* 17,400 14,000 15.0 12.5 16,800 13,600 17,800 8.5 10,500 580 8331265
ASPT29B14A* 18,000 14,400 16.0 13.0 17,400 14,200 18,000 9.0 11,000 600 8331264
AVPTC24B14A* 17,200 13,800 15.0 12.5 16,600 13,400 17,400 8.5 10,000 600 8331269
CA*F3137*6A*+MBVC1200**-1A*+TXV 17,600 14,200 16.0 13.0 17,000 13,800 17,600 9.0 10,000 600 8601428
CA*F3636*6D*+MBVC1200**-1A*+TXV 17,200 13,800 15.0 12.5 16,600 13,400 17,200 8.5 10,000 600 8601426
ASPT25B14A* 23,000 18,400 15.0 12.5 22,200 18,000 23,800 8.5 14,000 680 8331271
ASPT29B14A* 24,000 19,200 16.0 13.0 23,200 18,800 24,000 9.0 14,500 800 8331270
AVPTC24B14A* 22,800 18,200 15.0 12.5 22,000 17,800 23,000 8.5 14,000 800 8331276
CA*F3137*6A*+MBVC1200**-1A*+TXV 23,400 18,600 16.0 13.0 22,600 18,200 23,600 9.0 14,000 810 8601446
CA*F3636*6D*+MBVC1200**-1A*+TXV 23,000 18,400 15.0 12.5 22,200 18,000 23,200 8.5 14,000 810 8601444
ASPT37B14A* 28,400 22,600 15.0 12.5 27,400 22,200 29,000 8.5 15,000 950 8331278
ASPT37C14A* 28,800 23,000 16.0 13.0 27,800 22,600 29,400 9.5 15,200 975 8331277
AVPTC30C14A* 28,600 22,800 15.0 12.5 27,600 22,400 29,000 8.5 15,200 940 8331281
CA*F3743*6D*+MBVC1600**-1A*+TXV 28,600 22,800 16.0 13.0 27,600 22,400 28,600 9.0 15,200 1,010 8601466
ASPT37B14A* 33,600 26,200 15.0 12.5 32,400 25,600 34,600 8.5 21,000 1,050 8331283
ASPT37C14A* 34,200 26,600 16.0 13.0 33,000 26,000 35,000 9.5 22,000 1,060 8331282
ASPT47D14A* 35,000 27,200 16.0 13.0 33,800 26,600 35,000 9.0 19,000 1,200 8601489
AVPTC36C14A* 32,600 25,400 15.0 12.5 31,400 24,800 34,000 8.5 21,600 1,100 8331286
CA*F3743*6D*+MBVC1600**-1A*+TXV 33,400 26,000 15.0 12.5 32,200 25,400 34,000 8.5 21,600 1,080 8601495
CA*F4961*6D*+MBVC1600**-1A*+TXV 34,000 26,400 16.0 13.0 32,800 25,800 35,000 9.0 22,000 1,080 8601503
ASPT47C14B* 38,500 29,000 15.0 12.5 37,200 28,400 39,500 8.5 24,000 1,100 201817168
ASPT47D14A* 39,000 29,400 16.0 13.0 37,600 28,800 40,000 9.0 25,000 1,140 8331287
ASPT49D14A* 40,000 30,200 16.0 13.0 38,600 29,400 41,000 9.0 25,600 1,320 8602898
AVPTC42D14A* 39,000 29,400 15.0 12.5 37,600 28,800 40,000 8.5 25,000 1,110 8331290
AVPTC49D14A* 40,000 28,000 16.0 13.0 38,600 22,700 38,500 9.0 25,000 1,250 8996207
CA*F4961*6D*+MBVC2000**-1A*+TXV 41,000 30,800 16.0 13.0 39,600 30,200 39,000 9.0 25,000 1,500 8601526
ASPT47C14B* 44,500 34,000 15.0 12.5 42,800 33,200 46,500 8.5 25,000 1,425 201817170
ASPT49D14A* 45,500 34,800 16.0 13.0 43,800 34,000 47,000 9.0 25,800 1,400 8331291
AVPTC48D14A* 44,500 34,000 15.0 12.5 42,800 33,200 47,500 8.5 26,000 1,400 8331294
CA*F4961*6D*+MBVC2000**-1A*+TXV 45,500 34,800 16.0 13.0 43,800 34,000 48,000 9.0 26,000 1,570 8601537
CA*F4961*6D*+MBVC2000**-1A*+TXV 56,500 44,800 16.0 12.5 54,400 43,600 60,000 9.0 37,000 1,890 8560979
 Proper sizing and installaon of equipment is crical to achieving opmal performance. Split system air condioners and heat pumps must be matched with appropriate coil
components to meet ENERGY STAR criteria. Ask your contractor for details or visit www.energystar.gov. The www.energystar.gov website provides up to date system combinaons
cered to meet ENERGY STAR requirements.
Rated in accordance with ANSI/AHRI Standard 210/240
¹ Seasonal Energy Eciency Rao
² Energy Eciency Rao @ 80°F/ 67°F/ 95°F
³ TVA Rang: BTU/h @ 75°F/ 63°F - 95°F
Rated heang capacity at 47°F outdoor per AHRI 210/240
HSPF = Heang Seasonal Performance Factor
Heang capacity at 17°F outdoor
CFM at High stage
CFM at Intermediate and low stage
Always check the S&R plate for electrical data on the unit being installed.
When matching outdoor unit to indoor unit, use the piston supplied with the outdoor unit or that specied on the piston kit chart supplied with the indoor unit.
EEP - Order from Service Dept. Part No. B13707-38 or new Solid State Board B13707-35S. Part No. B13707-38 is not interchangeable with B13707-35S.
The Goodman® Brand gas furnace contains the EEP cooling me delay