
Tools you’ll need: Screwdriver
1. Turn off all the output ports and unplug the Yeti Lithium from any
power source.
2. Open the lid of the Yeti Lithium and remove the expansion module
carriage from the Yeti by removing the six screws and sliding out
the carriage.
a. Use both hands to work the expansion module carriage out of
its position.
3. Take note of the positive and negative terminals on the Yeti’s port, as
well as on the blue connector. Insert the blue module connector into the
module port on the Yeti Lithium, matching positive to positive, negative
to negative.
4. Insert the data transfer connector on the module into the data transfer
port on the Yeti Lithium.
5. Gently set in the Solar Charging Optimization Module into place, tucking
the cables into the opening.
6. Using the provided four screws, secure the module into place.
7. Using the APP or 8mm ports, plug the power source into the module.
8. Know the MPPT is working when the indicator light turns blue.
WARNING: Never connect a power source to the module before
installing into the Yeti Lithium. Always connect the module to the Yeti
Lithium before connecting any power source.
WARNING: Do not exceed 22V input for the module under standard
use. Doing so can cause serious damage to the Yeti Lithium and
potential bodily injury. Take note of voltages when using third party
solar panels with the module. Do not chain solar panels in series
(positive to negative, positive to negative, etc.), as this can result in
dangerously high voltages.
Black Cable (-)
Red Cable (+)
Blue Connector
Data Transfer