User Manual

Congratulations on the purchase of your new hearing instruments. ReSound’s innovative
sound technology and design, combined with the customised device programming selected
by your hearing care professional, will make hearing a more enjoyable experience. Hearing
instruments will enable you to hear sounds that you may not have heard in years because of your
hearing loss. Practice and a positive attitude are important in learning to use hearing instruments
Your ReSound instruments have been adjusted according to your individual hearing loss and
needs. Some people adjust quickly to wearing hearing instruments in their ears and hearing
new sounds; other people may need more time.
Please read this manual carefully in order to wholly benefit from the use of your hearing instru-
ments. With proper care, maintenance, and usage, your hearing instruments will aid you in
better communication for many years. Ask your hearing care professional if you have any ques-
ReSound is a registred trade mark of ReSound A/S
Hearing instrument model:
Battery size:
Receiver tube length:
Dome size:
Left serial number:
Right serial number: