User's Manual

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Table 5-15. TX Timer L-Byte (05h)
Register default is set to 0x00 at POR = H or EN = L and at each write to ISO control register
Bit Bit Name Function Comments
B7 Tm_length7 Timer length MSB Defines the time when delayed transmission is started.
RX wait range is 590 ns to 9.76 ms (1..16383)
B6 Tm_length6 Timer length
Step size 590 ns
B5 Tm_length5 Timer length
All bits low (00): Timer is disabled.
Preset: 00 all other protocols
B4 Tm_length4 Timer length
B3 Tm_length3 Timer length
B2 Tm_length2 Timer length
B1 Tm_length1 Timer length
B0 Tm_length0 Timer length LSB
Table 5-16. TX Pulse Length Control (06h)
Controls the length of TX pulse
Register default is set to 0x00 at POR = H or EN = L and at each write to ISO control register.
Bit Bit Name Function Comments
B7 Pul_p2 Pulse length MSB The pulse range is 73.7 ns to 18.8 μs (1255), step size 73.7 ns
All bits low (00): pulse length control is disabled
B6 Pul_p1
Preset: 9.44 μs ISO15693
B5 Pul_p0
Preset: 11 μs Tag-It
Preset: 2.36 μs ISO14443A
B4 Pul_c4
Preset: 1.4 μs ISO14443A at 212 kbps
B3 Pul_c3
Preset: 737 ns ISO14443A at 424 kbps
Preset: 442 ns ISO14443A at 848 kbps): pulse length control is disabled
B2 Pul_c2
B1 Pul_c1
B0 Pul_c0 Pulse length LSB
Table 5-17. RX No Response Wait Time (07h)
Defines the time when no response Interrupt is sent
Default: default is set to 0x0E at POR = H or EN = L and at each write to ISO control register.
Bit Bit Name Function Comments
B7 NoResp7 No response MSB Defines the time when no response interrupt is sent It starts from the end of TX EOF.
RX no response wait range is 37.76 μs to 962 8μs (1...255),
B6 NoResp6
Step size 37.76 μs
B5 NoResp5
Preset: 755 μs ISO15693
Preset: 1812 μs ISO15693 low data rate
B4 NoResp4
Preset: 604 μs Tag-It
B3 NoResp3
Preset: 529 μs all other protocols
B2 NoResp2
B1 NoResp1
B0 NoResp0 No response LSB
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