User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Section 7. Managing Batteries and Power
79-0003-003 22 October 1999
Leave the display tilted open and allow unrestricted airflow while the
battery is charging. This allows excess heat to escape from the battery
compartment and helps prevent the battery from overheating.
The battery starts fast charging automatically, and the external power
indicator light blinks while the battery is charging. At moderate
temperatures, around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the battery will complete
charging in 3 to 4 hours. Under extremely cold or hot temperatures,
however, the battery can take up to 16 hours to fully charge.
Deep Cycle Discharging
Use the mobile computers Battery Maintenance application to perform
a deep cycle discharge. To run this application, double-click the Battery
Maintenance icon in the Mobile Computer Tools folder. To learn more
about this program, refer to its online help.
Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries can develop memory effect
when they are partially discharged and recharged repetitively without a
full discharge. Repeatedly charging the batteries this way will eventually
decrease battery capacity and performance. To recondition the batteries
and eliminate battery charge memory effect, you should deep cycle
discharge batteries when requested, which may be as often as 3
months, depending on usage.
If your battery is new or has not been used for several weeks, deep
cycling it up to four times in succession may increase its capacity. You
may want to do this over consecutive weekends since each deep cycle
process can take up to 40 hours. After this initial conditioning, maintain
battery capacity by deep cycling at the recommended frequency.