User's Manual

2.9. NAT Mode
Networking Bridge/NAT Mode
NAT mode is enabled by simply selecting “NAT Mode” as shown in Figure
2-15. By selecting “Static” WAN IP type, users can manually assign the “WAN IP
address”, “WAN netmask”, and “WAN gateway”. The “WAN IP address”, “WAN
netmask”, and “WAN gateway” can also be automatically assigned by the DHCP
server by selecting “DHCP” WAN IP type. Users can also configure “LAN IP
address”, “LAN netmask”, and “MTU”, which should be between 68 and 1500. After
setting the configurations of these fields, press the “Apply” button to write the new
configurations into the CPE and go to “Management Reboot” as shown in Figure
2-35, to reboot the system in order for the new configurations to take effect.
Figure 2-15 NAT Mode