User Manual Part 2

Wireless Nd1 Router User Guide
Select the encryption Method that you want the wireless network to use. You can select
from the following methods and enter the pass phrase or key:
WPA2 and WPA (PSK): You need to set your Encryption type to TKIP and AES,
AES, or TKIP. You will then need to enter a Pass phrase (which is also commonly
called a Network key, WPA key, or WPA Pre-shared key). The pass phrase must be
between eight and sixty-three characters in length. This pass phrase must be the
same on each computer that is connected to the wireless network. You can also
specify a Key rotation, in seconds, or enter 0 in the field to disable the option.
WPA2 (PSK): You need to set your Encryption type to AES or TKIP. You will then
need to enter a Pass phrase (which is also commonly called a Network key, WPA
key, or WPA Pre-shared key). The pass phrase must be between eight and sixty-three
characters in length. This pass phrase must be the same on each computer that is
connected to the wireless network.
WPA (PSK): You need to set your Encryption type to TKIP and AES, AES, or
TKIP. You will then need to enter a Pass phrase (which is also commonly called a
Network key, WPA key, or WPA Pre-shared key). The pass phrase must be between
eight and sixty-three characters in length. This pass phrase must be the same on each
computer that is connected to the wireless network.
Note: Not all wireless clients support AES encryption when using WPA
(PSK) security. TKIP encryption with WPA (PSK) is supported by most
wireless clients. You can assign the router WPA (PSK) security with the
TKIP and AES encryption to cover both AES and TKIP clients.
file:///G|/CSO/Documentation/Documentation%20-%20Draf...%20Mach-1%20Router/User%20Guide/English/security.html (3 of 6)9/14/2006 2:44:29 PM