Use and Care Manual

13. REC OUT These connectors are wired in parallel with the MAIN OUT and
carry the main mix signal (unbalanced). Connect the 2-TRACK OUTPUT to
the inputs of your recording device. The output level is adjusted via the
high-precision MAIN MIX fader or rotary control.
14. 2TK RET The 2-TRACK INPUTS are used to bring an external signal source
(e.g. CD player, tape deck, Etc.) into the console.
15. USB/Bluetooth
Play/Pause switch. Long press this key until the indicator flashes.
Then turn on the phone bluetooth, search until the phone shows
the bluetooth link of the mixer, join the link until the connection is
Vol+/Next Press once to skip to next song. Press and hold for volume
Vol-/Prev Press once to song skip to prev song. Press and hold for
volume down.
16. The MAIN OUT connectors are unbalanced mono jacks. The main mix signal
appears here at a Level of 0 dBu. The MAIN MIX fader adjusts the volume of
these outputs.
17. The unbalanced OUT jacks carry the summed eects and main mix signals,
as well CTRL ROOM as soloed channel signals. The PHONES/CTRL RM
control adjusts the level of both headphones and main monitor Outputs.
18. Use the PHONES jack to connect a pair of headphones.
19. The red + 48V LED lights up when phantom power is on. The PHANTOM
switch activates the phantom power supply on the XLR connectors of all
mono channels.
20. When the 2 TK TO MIX switch is depressed, the 2-track input is assigned
to the main mix providing an additional input for tape machines, MIDI
instruments or other signal sources that do not require any processing.
21. Level indicator The high-precision 4-segment display accurately displays
the relevant signal level.
22. Press the 2 TK TO CTRL RM switch if you want to monitor the 2-track input
via the CTRL ROOM OUT. This provides an easy way to monitor signals
coming back from tape to ensure that they are recording correctly.
23. The PHONES/CTRL RM control adjusts the level of both headphones and
CTRL RM outputs.
24. The is used for adjusting the time interval of echo repeat. The middle
position (5) makes DELAY TIME most eective.
25. The EFF control adjusts the eects volume for the corresponding channel.