User's Manual

Table Of Contents
XT55/56 Hardware Interface Description
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XT55/56_hd_v02.06a Page 74 of 125 17.12.2004
4.3.2 Comparison of Trickle Power and Push-to-Fix mode
A comparison of the Trickle Power mode and Push-to-Fix mode is shown in Figure 28. This
diagram shows that for position update intervals less than approximately 600 seconds (i.e.
rates faster than one fix per 10 minutes), the Trickle Power mode at an update interval of 10
seconds offers a lower power solution. The user would then be required to filter the output
position data to use only the data points corresponding to the desired update interval. For
example, if the desired position output is at 60 second intervals, then the user would only
need one out of every six position outputs at a 10 second Trickle Power update interval.
Alternatively, the user could perform smoothing or averaging of the position data and provide
an output at the desired rate.
Please note that neither Trickle Power mode nor Push-to-Fix mode are supported if running
XT55/56 AVL software. For further details regarding power supply ratings see [3].
Figure 28: Comparing typical current in Trickle Power and Push-to-Fix mode