
Using the Self:Cleaning Oven
14?_ll Oven
B@_e a
clean cycle
77w ove_ door must be dosed a,d all eonlrots
musl be seI eorreell)./br lhe cycle lo work pr@er@
_4'e recommend _enting )our kitchen with an
open window or using a _entilation Lm or hood
during the first self:clean c_cle,
Remo_e tile broiler pan, broiler giid, probe,
all cookware and any almninun_ foil from
tile o_,en.
Gq'ay porcelain-coated oven racks (including tile
ottset rack) may remain in tile oven during the
selIZcleaning cycle without being clamaged. Tile
nickel-plated oven racks (including tile ottset
rack) may remain in tile oven during tile self:
cleaning cycle, but they will darken and become
hard to slide.
Do not rise abrasixes or o_,en cleaners, Clean
tile top, sides and outside of tile oxen door
with soap and water.
Make sure tile o,,en light bull) co',er (on some
models) is in place and tile oxen light is otI.
IMPORTANT: Tile health of some birds is
extremely sensitive to the fiunes given off
during the sell:cleaning cycle of any oven.
Move birds to another well-ventilated room.
CAUTION: Never place cooking utensils or
any other items oil tile ()veil floor. There is
a heating element beneath the oven floor.
Placing items on the oven floor may cause the
oven to overheat, resulting in damage to the
()veil and risk of dmnage or fire to cabinets.
Wipeupheavysoil ontheovenbottom.
On double oven model,s, you ear_ ,set a dean cycle b_
bolh, 0ve_,s at lhe same lime, The la,sl oven ,sel will
aulomali(ally delay ils slarl ur_lil lhe end (_/ lh,e fi_:sl
oven is dean cycle,
0_ double ovet_ models, )ou can use limed bakir_g" it_
or_e over_ arid ,se(/_deat_ lh,e olher al lhe same lime,
How to set
the oven jot
1 Press tile SELF CLEAN STD/LOW pad once
for a 4-hour clean time or twice for a 3-horn
clean time.
A 3-hour self:clean time is recommended tor
use when cleaning small, contained spills. A
self:clean time of 4 hours or longer is
reconm_ended for a dirtier ()veil.
2 Ifa time other than 4 hours or 3 hours is
needed, use tile ntunl)er pads and enter tile
desired clean time.
You can chaw,e tile clean time to any time
between ,3 l/otus and 5 hours, dei)ending, on
how dim _our oxen is.
3 Press tile START pad.
Tile door locks autonmticallv. Tile display
will show tile clean time remaining. It will
not be possible to open tile ()veil door until tile
temperature drops below tile lock temperature
and the I,OCI(ED light goes off.
_4 lien tile I,OCKED light goes off, you will be
able to open tile door.
Tile word "I,OCK" will flash and tile oven
control will signal if )ou set tile clean ('vole
}lil(l h)rget to close tile ox, en door.
To stop a clean cycle, press tile CLEAR/OFF
pad. When tile I,OCKED light goes oit
indicating tile oven has cooled below tile
locking temperature, you will be able to
open tile door.