
Timed Baking
I,l_d! Ove*_
How to set
a delayed
start and
}bu ca_ sel lhe ovet_ conlrol lo delay-slarl lhe oven,
cook fin' a SpeC!fic le_g'lh o/lime at_d lher_ llo't_ (*[]
Make sure tile oxen clock shows tile correct
time of day.
1 Press tile BAKE pad.
2 Using the number pads, enter tile desired
3 Press tile COOK TIME pad.
NOTF: (/your r(,ci/)e r(,_7uires l)rehealb_g;, you mar,
r_eed to add addiliot_al lime lo the ler_g'lh (_t lhe
cookb_g" lime.
4 Using tile number pads, enter tile desired
baking time.
Press tile DELAY START pad.
Using tile number pads, enter tile time of
(la} }o/t 1V_IIIt tile o_en to ttlI'n on and st_lI't
7 Press tile START pad.
NOTE: Ar_ altet_lior_ torte will ,soured !t you are usir_g
limed bahi_g" at_d do t_ol pr_,,ssltte START Dad ((tier"
et_leri_g" lhe bakb_g" lemperalur_:
If wm would like to check tile times vou have
set, press the DELAY START pad to check the
start time you have set or press tile COOK
TIME pad' to check the length of cooking time
you have set.
When tile oven turns on at tile time of (lay wm
have set, the display will show the changing
temperatm'e (starting at IO0°F) and the
cooking time countdown.
N07_: On double oven model,s, when usir_g"both
ove_zs at the same tinu, lhe linu,,s showir_g" i_z the
disph O' will beJbr the last oven set. 7b disph O' the
time set Jbr the fir, st oven set; press the DELAY
START pad to (h(uk the start time you have set or
Dress the COOK TIME pad to che(k the #r_g'lh o/
_ookir_g"lime you have set.
Tile oven will continue to cook fin" tile
programmed amo/mt of time, then shut ott
automaticall 5 unless tile X4%kRMfeature was set.
See tile How to set the oven /br warmi_g" section.
8 Press tile CL]?_atR/OFF pad to clear tile