
Befbre You (;all For Service...
Wall Oven
shooting tips
OVEN DOORWILL Tile oven is too hot. _Mlow tile oven to cool below locking temperature.
OVFaN NOT CLFAN (-)\'en controls improperly set. See tile {._i_t{"the Se!f:C/ear_ing"(._n section.
AFTER A CLEAN (-)\'en was heavily soiled. Clean up hea W spilh)ve_ bet0re starting the
clean cycle. Heavily soiled ovens may need to sel6clean again or tot a
longer period ot time.
"LOCK" " The selfXclean cycle has been selected but the door is not closed.
FLASI-_]S IN Close tile oven door.
LOCKH) LIGHT Tile oven door is locked because tile temperatm'e inside tile oven has
IS ON WI_]N YOU not dropped below tile locking temperature. Press tile CLFAR/OFT
WANT TO COOK pad. _Mlow the oven to cool.
CONTROL SIGNALS _m tmgot to enter a bake temperature or cleaning time. Press tile
ALTER ENTF_IING BAKE pad and desired temperatm'e or tile SELF CLF_N STD/LOW
COOKING TIME OR pad and desired clean time.
"F AND A NUMBER You have a flmcfion error code. Press tile CLF, AR/OF_" pad. _Mlow tile
OR LETI_]R" FLASH oven to cool fi_r one horn: Put tile oven back into operation.
IN THE DISPLAY Disconnect all power to tile oven for 30 seconds and then reconnect
power; If tile flmction error code repeats, call fiw service.
DISPLAY GOES A fllse in w)ur home may be blown or the drcuit breaker tripped.
BLANK Replace tile fllse or reset tile circuit breaker:
Tile clock is in tile black-out mode. See tile Ovoz Conlrol, C[od_ and
7_m#r section.
DISPLAY FLASHES Power fifilm'e. Reset the clock.
UNABLE TO GET Oven control pads were not pressed properl> Tile BAKI_ and tile
THE DISPLAY TO BROIL HIGH/LOW pads m ust be pressed at tile same time and heM
SHOW "SF" t0r 3 seconds.
"PROBE" APPEARS This is reminding you to enter a probe tenlperature atter plugging in
IN THE DISPLAY tile probe. Enter a probe ten/peratule.
POWER OUTAGE, Power outage or suige. Reset the the clock. If the oven was in use, you
CLOCK FLASHES i/ltlst reset it by pressing tile CLF_R/OFF pad, setting tile clock and
resetting any cooking fimcfion.
STEAM FROM X_]_en using the convection ti_atm'e, it is nomml to see steam coming out
THE VENT ot the oven vent. _%stile nmnber ot racks or amotmt of t0od being cooked
increases, the alnount of visible steam will increase.
"BURNING" OR This is nomml in a new oven and will disappear in time. To speed tile
"OILY" ODOR process, set a sell'clean cycle tor a nfilfinmln of 3 houi_. See tile IAing" the
EMITTING FROM S_,(/_Cl_,aningOven section.
STRONG ODOR This is temporary. An odor fl'om tile insulation around tile inside of tile
oven is nornlal ti)i" tile fii_t tew dines tile oven is used.
A cooling tim or a convection tim (depending on tile flmction you are
using) may automatically mrn on. This is nomml. Tile cooling tim will
turn on to cool internal parts. It may run tot up to 1-1/2 hom_ in 30"
models and up to 2 hom_ in 27" models alter tile oven is tin'ned off.
Tile convection tim will cycle on and off tmtil tile flmction is over or
tile door is opened.