Installation guide

30" Buill-I_ ( o_vr'clio_ Ovr'_s
Framed cabinet
single oven
Partial OvedayDoor
Front Framed
Full Overlay Door
Allow 3/4" Overlap
on Sides.Allow
1"Min. forTop
Overlapand Clearance.
Allow 1/4" at Bottom
2"x 4" or
or SolidShelf
23-I/2" Min.
Allow Minimumof 17-3/4"for Clearance
to AdjacentCorners,Drawers,or Wails,etc.
Use the inlormation in this dimension drawing tor
typical h-amed cabinets. The h-ont li_ce of the oven
will be flush with cabinetry doors or drawers.
Order a single oven cabinet.
Rough opening tot single oven must be:
I)epth--23-1/2" rain. fl-om inside back to fi-ont of
cabinet hame.
Width--28" rain., 28-3/8" max.
Height--23" max.
34" h'om floor is recommended to bring oven
door to countertop height when opened.
All Monogram ovens require 3/4" overlap on both
sides. Allow 1" rain. tot top overlap and clearance to
upper doors.
Oven overlaps will conceal rmv edges on top and both
sides of cutout.
Single ovens can be installed below a countertop. Use
the cutout dimensions shown on this page. If the
cabinets being used have an opening that is tuller than
the maximum dim_ nsions shown, filler panels can be
made to fill the gaps. See Cabinet1T Modifications
Suggestions on page 13 tot more infbrmation.