
using your
wall oven
Read this manual carefully. It is intended to
help )ou operate and maintain xour new wall
(r, en pr(lperl).
Keep it hand} for ans_ers to }our questi(n_s.
If you don't understand s(/mething or need
more help, there is a list of toll-fl'ee consmner
service nmnbers included in the back section
(if this manual
Visit our \'\Tebsite at:
down the
model &
You'll find them on a label (m tile side trim (n"
(m tile h'ont ol the (lower) (lven behind the
(IX ell OIl(IF.
Fill (slit and return tile Consumer Product
Registration lard that is packed with this
product. If vim cannot find it, please send
in the duplicate card printed in the back of
this manual.
Before sending in this card, please write these
mmlbers here:
M(/del Number
Serial Number
Use these llllI/lbeFs ill an} COlTesp(lndellce (51"
service calls c(mcerning }our *<all oxen.
received a
wall oven
Immediately c(mtact the dealer (or builder)
that s(lkl }(>u tile wall oxen.
Save time
& money
Bef(n'e )/lU request service, check tile Problem
S(/lver in the back of this manual,
It lists causes of minor ol)erating, problems that
}OIl call C(/ITeCt }ourself.
If you
To obtain ser'Qce, see tile (_onsumer Services
page in the back of this manual.
We're pr(md of ore" service and want vou to be
pleased. If ti)r some reason v(lu are n(lt happy
with the service vou receive, here are the steps
to filllow %r further help.
FIRST, contact the people who serviced xour
appliance, Explain wh) )ou are not pleased.
In most cases, this will s(llve the pr(lblem.
NEXT, if *ou are still not pleased, ',,_x'ite all the
details--including }our ph(me mm_ber--t():
Manager, (:ustomer Relati(lns
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
Louisville, KV 40225