
Using the SeliXCleaning Oven
"l'rive(tion" I,l?/// Ove_
The oven door must be closed az_d all cont_d,s
must be ,set (orre( tl3' /br the O'cle to work properly,
_¥e recommend ventino xour kitchen xdth an
open window or usino,_ a ventilation tim or hood
during the first self:clean cxcle.
Remove tile broiler pan, broiler grid, all
cookvval'e alld }Ill) ahlI//illtln/ foil froi// tile ()veil.
The oven racks and comection roasting rack
can be self'cleaned, but the_ will darken, lose
their luster and become hard to slide.
Do not use abrasives or o'_en cleaners. Clean
tile top, sides and outside of tile oxen door
with soap and water.
Make sm'e the oven light bulb cover is in place
and the oven light is off.
N07N: See C&aning" the Oven Door in tile Care
and ([eanir_g'section fi)r instructions on how to
clean the imler door outside the gasket. This
area is not cleaned during the self:dean cycle.
IMPORTANT: The health of some birds is
extremely sensitive to tile fumes given off
during the self:cleaning cycle of any oven.
Move birds to another well-ventilated room.
Wipeupheavysoil onthe ovenbottom.
" On double ()','ell models, you call set a clean
cycle ill both ovens. However, the last oven set
will automatically delay its start until tile end
of tile first oven's clean cycle,
" On double oxen models, }ou can use timed
baking in one o_en and self:clean tile other
at the same time.
Ho o to set
the oven./br
1 Select FEATURES.
2 Select SELF CLEAN. Select upper or lo*_er
o',ell oll dotlble ()','ell n/oriels.
3 Select tile desired self clean,
A 3-hour self:clean time is recommended
when cleaning small, contained spills.
A sel_Zclean time of 4 hours or longer is
recommended for a dirtier oven,
LO (3 h*_) *_ill self clean tile oven tbr 3 hours.
STD (4 h*_) x01] self clean tile oven fi)r 4 horn>.
ADJUST TIME allows oven to be set %r any
time between 3 and 5 hours. Input the clean
time (to nearest 5 minutes) using tile
number pads and select ENTER,
4 Select START.
Tile door locks automaticall), t_ will flash mltil
door is locked. Tile displa} will show tile clean
time remaining,
It will not be possible to open tile oven door
until tile tenlperature drops belo_,_ the lock
temperature and tile _ (LOCK) light goes off.
\¥hen tile _ (LOCK) light goes off, ?ou will be
able to open tile door,
" To stop a clean cycle, press tile CLE&R/OFF
pad. When the _ (LOCK) light goes off
indicating tile oven has cooled below the
locking temperature, you will be able to open
tile door.