
Using the ProoL Warmer and Warm Features
"l'rive(tiog_" 14%11 Oveg_
The pgoq/h_<fi_aturemabztait_s a warm _,t_vi,ogmwg_tus@d /br 9'isit_Zyeast-leave_zedpgoduds.
How to set
the oven./or
p oo/
NO_I_: Igor best 9*,,_ult,s; eover the dough with a eloth
o9' with g'rea,sed plastie wrap (the plastie m_O' need to
be an_ hon, d luzderneath the _ontainer so the o'ue_ /_n_
will not blow it _[f).
1 Place the covered dough in the oven on rack
g or (k
2 Select FFATURES, then MORE, then
PROOF and then START.
The interior oven lights turn on and remain on
dm'ing proofing.
The proofing teature automatically pro',ides the
optimum temperatm'e fl)r the proofing process,
and therefl)re does not have a temperature
a c{justm ellt.
3 Set the TIMER fl)r the minimmn proof time.
4 When proofing is finished, press the
" 7b avoid hrgvegig<q"the oven temperattm, a_zd
&_<fflhe_zig_g"pgo(?fi_g" tim6 do not ope_z the oven
(1009' HIlglt'( t'£sagJ[)',
" Cheek bread prodl_e/.s early to avoid ove>pro(ffh<g:
, Do not use the pro(_fing" modefbr warmb_g'fbod o9'
keepi_<ff fbod hot. The pg_(fig<_" oven temperature is
not hot e_mug'h to hohl fbods at sail, temperature,<
{'se the WARMER fi, ature to he@ hot fbod warm.
" Proojig<g"will not opcra/¢ whet_ ove_zis above 125 7<
"OVI'2N7"00 HOT" will show in the displ,o'.
Hozo to set
the oven
,i(H" i'/) (/</Tt e<
The warmer feature can be activated
independently to keel:) hot, cooked fl)ods warm.
This feature is not designed to reheat cold food.
To use this feature, select FFATURES, then
NO'I_: O_zdouble oven modeA, sde_t t@per o9'lower
oven. Tbe_z seh,_t START.
To Crisp Stale Items
, Place fl_od in low-sided dishes or pans.
, For best results, place the rood items in a
single layer. Do not stack.
, Leave theIll tlncovered.
" Check crispness after 20-30 minutes. Add time
as needed.
" Food should be h@t hot i9_ils eoohir_g"eontair_er o9'
tmn.g)_gw,d to a heat-sqfi, servig<g"dish.
" For moist/hods, _over them with a_z oven-s_(k lid or
, Fried or erAp./bo& do not need to be eovered, bid
_a_ become too dO' !/warmedfn' too hmg:
, It@ea#d ope_zir_y"(_/the door allows the hot air to
escape and the fbod to ( ook
" Allow extra timefbr the temperature bzside the o'ue_z
to stabilize qfier addig<q"i#ms.
, With la<w loads it may be ne_essa O' to _over some
(t/ the _oohed./bod items.
" H_m_ove servb N @oons, etc., b@n, plaeir<_"
_ontainto's in the oven.
, Do not use plastk eontaine*:s, lids or plastie wrap.
CAUITON: Plastie _ontain¢_:% lids o9'plasti_ wrap
will melt {/ plaeed in the o_,en. Meltd plastie _?za)'lzot
be n,movable a_zd is not eove**,d ur_der your wa,wnz0'.
How to set
the oven
The warm tbature (cook and hold)
automatically keeps hot cooked roods warm fin.
up to 3 horn's after a TIMED BAKE is finished.
To turn this feature ON or OFF, select
If the blocks beflwe and after WARM are lit, the
feature is ON. If there are no blocks lit befl)re
and after WARM, the feature is OFF.