
Using the Defl'ost Feature
7)'ire(tioga" Wall Ove_
The &,fi_zstji_atlu'e allows you to thawjbodjbr a set
amount o/ time.
For best results, remove f()od fl'om packaging
and place on broil pan and grid. If food is left
in packaging, slit, pierce or vent to prevent heat
Place _bod in the oven according to the
D(_/msti_g" Guid<
You can use all cookware/containers that are
oven safe or microwave-safe. Arcing is the
microwave term fl)r sparks in the oven. Be sure
there is at least ] inch of space between metal
sm'iaces--pans, wall of cavity, almnimm_ toil--
to prevent arcing. Dishes with metallic trim
should not be used as arcing may occur.
Remove metal twist ties from paper or plastic
bags before placing them in the oven.
Do not completely stu'round food with metal
and/or toil.
Plastic storage containers should be uncovered
befi)re defl'osting.
Foods that spoil easily should not be allowed to
sit out tor more than one hour after defrosting.
Room temperature promotes the growth of
harmful bacteria.
Use caution when removing metal pans and
stoneware a_.ter defl'osting. They may become
very WHI'Ul, alld _}tl I/lay Ileed to t/se a potholde_:
Fox" more even defl'osting, turn tbod oveL
separate and rearrange when prompted. Be
sure large meats are completely defl'osted
before cooking. See the D(_/msting Guide fin-
additional comments.
When defl'osted, food should be cool but
softened in all areas. If still slightly ic> return
to the oven very briefly, or let it stand a
few minutes.
How to set
the oven
./br defrost
1 Place tood in oven.
2 Select FEATURF fl'om main menu.
3 Select DEFROST.
4 Enter the defi'ost time in horn3 and/or
minutes. Re_brence the chart on the next page.
5 Select START,
NOTE: Food may be (hed;ed at a_U time by
@enir_g" the doo*: The microwave at_d cotmectiot_
,/icn will turn qff and the &'/rest time coltntdo'am
will stop whi# the door is open. The_' will *_,sume
when the door is dosed.
6 Check tood and turn over when prompted.
Add more time if desired.
After the de/mst time has ended, the oven will
prompt the user to add "MORJ_ TIME." Add
additional time IO'seh,( ti_g"MORE 77ME. Enter
time in minutes. Press CLEAR/OFY pad !f/hod
has firfished d@_)stb<q: