
t@s. . .
You must preheat your oven.
Put the fl)od ill the oven after the preheat beep
when the oven control displays "Put Food In
Oven" and then press START. You must press
tim START key after placing the food in the
oven to start the speedcook mode,
When choosing a speedcook food category,
refer to tlle chart on page 16.
All frozen foods should be speedcooked using
tim FROZENFOODS category.
When baking potatoes, the recommended
cooking temperature is 350°F and cooking time
is 90 minutes Jot medinm sized potatoes. Add
an additional 15-30 mintltes for large potatoes
or when baking more than timr potatoes.
Ill general, when cooking meats wrapped in
dough or refl'igerated dough product, use tile
Biscuit/Roll or BakedGoods categor?.
For recipes using a large quantity of cheese,
milk and/or eggs, use the BakedGoods category.
Larger amounts of tbod or multiple racks of
food may require additional time. (beck tood
doneness as prompted and continue cooking
as needed.
Items such as appetizers, cookies, biscuits
and rolls can be speed baked on multiple racks.
Cooking time may increase slightly for some
ibods, but since two or three racks of food are
being cooked at tile same time, the overall
result is substantial time saved.
When cooking multiple items or palls, leave
space between them for maxim um air circulation.
Cakes and quick breads (banana, zucchini 05"
pumpkin b_ead) are not recommended _br
multiple rack speed baking. Place cakes side-by-
side on one rack if speed baking. When using
lllore than one rack to cook these foods, use
CONV MULTI m ode. See Ush_g"th_ _onv¢_tion
Cooking times will vary depending on tile cut
ol meat. Check for doneness at minim um time.
Note: Meats will continue to cook and internal
temperatures will rise after thev are removed
fl'om tile oven (standing time).
Use tile broiler pan and grid provided with
your ovesl [(_I" best results.
As ill a conventional oven, ahlminum ff_il
may be used to shield ibod--to prevent
overbrowning or overcooking (i.e., placing
small strips of toil on tips of wings and legs of
poultsy). Also, foil covers Faav be tented over
food (i.e., large fl'ozen casseroles) toward the
end of their cook tim e to prevent overbrowning
or overcooking. Make sure that tlle foil is
securely attached to the fbod. However, large
ai//oHnts of foil 05"fully enclosing food in foil
blocks tlle microwave energ); which eliminates
time savings.
Do not use oven thermometers_ meat
thermometers or wire twist-ties in the oven
while speedcooMng,
Pop-up thermometers in your meat may be
inaccurate. Check tile temperatm'e of tlle meat
with a thermometer atter removing tile meat
f]'oI// tile ovesl.
For best results, speed bake turkeys unstufled.
./br speed
bahing. . .
If cooking on one rack, place ibod so that it is
approximately centered in tile oven.
Rack Positions and Examples
C Cookie,s, pizza, /)i_, ml{ffh_s, cah_s; biscldts;
cass(r't_Oltr', ',
B Loaves (jb*_,ad, bu_zdt cakes, meat 1o((£
small a_zd medium *_)asls, whole chiche_
A I_,*3' tall items: tin'k% la*ige masls,
at_gel /bod cakes
If cooking on two racks, use rack positions A
and D to provide lots of space between items
ti)r optimal results.
If cooking on three racks, use rack positions A,
C and E.
Rackpositions,Trivectioff" Oven.