
Using the Sabbath Feature
I.DIl! Ove*_
Desig_.ed for use on the Jewish Sabbath and Holidays.
77w Sabbalk flealu*e _at_ be used for bakinqiroasli,, g
otdy. 1i eazmol be u,v_djbr eor_veclio_, broil@g;
.s_¢{fic#az_i_gor l)elar Sla*_ eooki_g
N07_2: The ove_ l{q'ht _omes on atttomati_ ally (oa some
mocM._) whea tlw door is opet_d aml g_*eso/J wkea tlu"
door i,sekzwd. The bit& may be n_moved. See the Over*
L_ffht I¢@la_emozl s_¢g:tion.(h_ moclds with a l_ffbtswilch
on the eor_lrol parM, the ovea l_q'kl may be tu*wd on
arid l(fl or_.
How to set
jbr regular
baking or
Make sure ltze clock shows ltze corn.el lime o/ day at_d
(he over_ i,s OFI:.
Press and hold both the BAKE and BROIL
HIGH/LOW pads, at the stone time, until
the displa) shows "SF."
NOTE: (/bake or broil appea*:s i_ ltze displrg;
ltze BAKE a_d BROIL HIGH/LOW pads were
_ol lou(hed al lhe ,same lime. 7Muh lke
CLEAR/OFF pad a_*d beg'i_*ag'aim
Tap the DELAY START pad until
"SAb bAtH" appears inthe display.
Touch the START pad and D will appear
in the display.
Touch the BAKE pad. No signal will be
glX, ell.
Using the number pads, enter the desired
temperature between 170 ° and 55(1 °.
No signal or temperature will be gixen,
Touch the START pad.
Alter a random delay period of
approximately 30 seconds to 1 minute,
D C will appear in the display indicating
that the oven is baking/roasting. If D C
doesn't appear in the display, start again
at Step 4.
To a(!just the oxen temperature, touch the
BAKE pad, enter the new temperature using
the number pads, and touch the START pad.
N07T: 77w CLEAR/OFF and COOK TIME pads
ar_, a_liv_, duriz_g ltu. Sabbalt_ fl,alur<
When the display shows D the oven is
set in Sabbath. When the display shows
D C the oven is baking/roasting.