
I,I_HI Ovet_
How to set
the oven
jbr warming
W;mn keeps cooked fl)ods warm flw up to
3 hours after the cooking function is finished,
or it can be acti_;ited independently to keep
already cooked fl)ods warm.
This lbature is not designed to reheat cold
To use tiffs teature independently, press
the WARM/PROOF pad once and then the
START pad.
To actix;lte this teature fl)r use atter Timed
Baking or Roasting, press the WARM/PROOF
pad once while programming the oven and
befiwe pressing START.
To Crisp Stale Items
Place food in low-sided dishes or pans.
* For best results, place the Jood items in a
single layer; do not stack.
* Leave them uncovered.
Check crispness after 20-30 minutes. Add
time as needed.
Food sholdd be h@t hot ir_ its coohing" container or
mn_@,rred to a heat-sajk serving" dish.
" For moist/boris; cover them with an ove_-sq/i" lid or
alu mitn_ m./biL
" Fried or crispjbo& do not need to be cove*_,d but
can ba:ome too d*y !/ warmed /br too b_<q:
H_qJea#d op(_ning" q/the door allows the hot air to
_+scapeand the/hod to cool
Allow ex'tra time/br the temperature inside the oven
to stabilize qfier addir<g"items.
With [a<w loads it ma)' be ne_ssa*y to _over some
o/the _oohed /bod items.
I_emove servir<g"spoon,s; etc., b@re placing"
containe*s in the oven.
Do not use plastic containez:s, li& or plastic wrap.
CAU_ITON: Plastic containe*:% li& or plastic wrap
will malt {/placed ir_ the oven. Melted plastic m_ O'
not be removab& and is not _ove*M under your
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