
Broiling guide
Jot 27" ovens
(071 SOniC
The s;_,, we_<l_t,thid_)_ess,
_iarii.g tem]wmimv and
wig aff,:d bmili_g times.
7hA gvtkh: is basd on meals
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_m-viv_,."(,%m*,,: _,, l,'ood
Book. )bur Kitche_ (h&h,.
{ SIZI ]{_'v.flt_w 1985.)
Qtu_tity and/ Rack
Food or Thickness Position
Gromld Beef
Well I)one
Beef Steaks
Rare +
Well I)one
1 lb. (4 patties)
1/2 to 3/4" thick
1" thick
1 to 1_ lbs.
1 _" thick
2 to 2_ lbs.
First Side
Time (mln.)
Second Side
Time (mln.)
Space cvenl}. [p to S patties take
about the same tilne.
Steaks less thal_ 1" thick cook
thlough beible blowning. Pan
fl3ing is l-eCOllllneHded.
Slash tbt.Ra l-e+ C 10 7-S
Medium C 15 14-16
Well I)one C 25 20-25
C|ficken 1 whole A 35 1(1-15 P,cduce tilne about 5 to 10 minutes
2 to lbs., per side for era-up chicken.
split lengthwise Brash each side with mehed buttel;
Lo BI_ fil Pieces A or B 25-35 15-20 Broil skin-_;id e-d_/XVll ti r,,t.
Lo BI_ fil Boneless A or B 15-20 1(1-15
Lo|xster Tails 2_ g 18-20 I)o not Cut tlnough back ot shell. Spread
6 to S oz. each turn oxel. open. Blush with mehed butter
Lo Bloil C 18-25 NiA before broiling and after half of
broiling tilne.
Fish Filleks 1/4 to 1/2" thick H tndle and tu Ill very calefl/ll>
tli Broil C 5 5 Brash with lemon bllttel- befine
Lo Bloil I) 5 5 aim during cooking, if desired.
Pwheat broiler to incr(,a-s,/)l-t)wllillg.
Ham Slices 1" thick B S S lnclvase time 5 to 10 lninutes per side
(precooked) fin 1½" thick or home-culcd ham.
Pork Chops 2 (1/2" thick) C 10 10 Slash litt.
Well I)one 2 (l'flfick) about 1 lb. B 13 13
Lamb Chops
Meditun 2 (1" tiff(k) C 10 9 Slash tbt.
Well I)one about 10 to 12 oz. C 12 10
Medium 2 (1½" thick) C 14 12
Well I)one _d)out 1 lb. g 17 12-14
Gm'lic Bl_ad
Lo Broil C 3 N/A