Have a quesdon or need assistance _th your appliance? Try the GE Appliances Website
24 hours a da}; any (lay of tl/e year! For greater convenience and fhster sel_\'ice, you can
now do_doad Owner's Manu_ds on-lh_e.
RealLife DesignStudio,,,
GE stlpports the Universal Design conceptmproducts, serxices and emironments that
can be used b} people of all ages, sizes and capabilities. We recognize the need to
design fbr a wide range of ph}:sical and mental abilities and impairments. For details
of GE's Univel:sal Design applications, including Idtchen design ideas fl_r people with
disabilities, check out ore Websim today. For tl/e bearing impaired, please call
800.TDD.(;EAC (800.833.4322).
Accessories go.corn
A replacement turntable (WB49X10069)or turntable support ring (WBO6X10421)
is axailable at extra cost flom ore Parts Center and can be sent directly to }our home
(VISA, MasmrCard and Discover cards are accepted). Order onqh_e toda> 24 horns
every day or by phone at 800.828.2002 during normal business horns.
Instructionscontainedin thismanual cover proceduresto be performed by any user.
GEdoesnot support any servicing of this microwave oven, except as described by the
ConsumerSupportsection of thismanual. Do not attemptto service the microwave oven
yourself If service is desired, then this appliance should be serviced onlyby qualified
service personnel. Contactthenearest authorizedservice facility for examination, repair
or adjustment,
ContactUs go.oo,,
If'}ou are not satisfied _ith tile set\ice }ou receive fl'(nn (;E, contact us on our Website
x_ith all the details including }our phone nmnbe,; (n _rite to:
General Managel; Customer Relations
GE Appliances, Appliance Park
I,ouisville, KY 40225