Inspection Technologies
3D Computed Tomography
2D X-ray inspection and 3D computed
tomography complement each other,
and when combined, are a very useful
inspection tool for a wide range of indus-
trial quality assurance inspection tasks.
Integrated Systems
GE oers complete turnkey X-ray inspec-
tion systems based on 2D X-ray and 3D
computed tomography for inline ap-
plications in the manufacturing process,
as well as laboratory-installed systems.
These testing machines are designed to
provide fast inspection times for maxi-
mum throughput.
Many applications can optimize pro-
ductivity by adding automation through
robotics or other material handling de-
vices. Software tools, such as automatic
or assisted defect recognition, can be
added to minimize errors and maximize
Phoenix v|tome|x L 450 3D computed tomography inspec-
tion system
Analytical X-ray
GE oers X-ray diraction (XRD) equip-
ment used to reveal material charac-
terization information in a variety of lab
and production applications, including
residual stress analysis and determina-
tion of the orientation of single-crystal
XRD stress analyser with Meteor1D detector
The reliability of electronic assemblies
strongly depends on solder joint quality.
Even if they are not directly visible they
can easily be automatically inspected by
advanced micro-focus and nano-focus
X-ray systems. Detail detectabilities in
the submicron range ensure detecting
hidden defects in electronic packages.
2D X-ray inspection: open BGA joint
Automatic pore analysis of a casting
Traditionally, X-ray testing reveals
defects in castings, including gas holes,
shrinkages, foreign materials and
discontinuities without destroying the
object. Computed tomography provides
another important advantage—it shows
the exact location of the defect inside
the sample. The 3D data allows quantita-
tive defect analysis of the sample. This
provides information on size, volume and
density of inclusions and cavities. CT im-
ages are also richer in contrast; there-
fore, revealing even smaller defects.
is a highly versatile 160/225 KV inspection sys-
High precision 3D metrology with com-
puted tomography oers considerable
advantages over conventional coordi-
nate measuring machines, especially
when measuring complex parts with hid-
den or dicult-to-access surfaces, such
as high density of measurement points
and fast capturing of the complete inter-
nal geometry of the object.
3D metrology with CT: CAD-variance analysis