Usingthe probe.
For many foods, especially roasts and poultry, internal food temperature is the best test for doneness. The
temperature probe takes the guesswork out of roasting by cooking foods to the exact aloneness you want
Use ot prolyes Rill{r lhan file one
provid< d xdth this l)roduct may resuh in
damage to tile l)robe.
Thetemperature probe has a
skewer-like probe at one end and a
plug at the other end that goes into
the outlet k?the oven
[ 7s( the llandles ot the l)rob( and i)lug
when inserting and removing them fl-om
tile llleil_l il_ll(I Otltl(i.
_i; Toavoiddaroag#Tgyourprobe,donot use
_ Topreventpossiblebums,donotunplug
a self-cleaningcycle
M_er prepaling th( meat and placing
it on a trivet or on a broiler pan grid,
follow these directions for proper probe
Lay lh( l}rob( oil the oulsid( of th<
meat along tll< lop or side and mark
wifll your finger whert +tile edg_ ot
the meat comes to on the probe.
"['he [)oint shotlld rest in the cent_ r
ol tile thickest meaty part of the
[] Insert lhe probe complel(ly into lhe
meat, up to Ihe handle. It shotlld
not totlch bolle, fht or gristl+.:.
For roasls with no bone, insert tile probe
into the meati(st part of the roast. For
bone-in ham or lamb, ins(rt tile probe
into th( center of tile lowest lalg( muscle
or joint.
Insert file probe into the eenmr of dishes
such as meat loat or casseroles. When
cooking t]sll, insert the probe l_'rom jtlst
above the gill into the meatiest area,
l)amll(l 1o the backbone.
Ins{ rt lhe probe illlo th< nl(:ali(st l)ml of
th< illller thigll ['roln /)eltlw }lllt-/l)_n-_allel
to the leg ot"a whole tllrkey.
How to Set the Oven For Roasting When Using the Probe
Ins(ll Ih< l)robe into th( lll(_ll,
Plug tile probe illlo tile ot/tl(l ill th(
ox'en. Make sure it's l.+ush(d all the
WglV ill. Clo_,< lli( o\ell dOOl:
Press the Probepa(1.
Pr(ss ill< lllllll/)< r l)il_(Is 1{1 s<[ Ill(
desired internal food or lll(_/l
t(ml}< mlure. The maximum
internal t(mI)elvmlre f})l"Ill< food
that you can s<t is 200°F.
[] F'r<ssth{ Bakel)a(1.
] Plxss tll( num/)(,r pads Io s(t file
deSil_(?d OV<ll lelnl)< l-_llllre.
[] Press th< Start pad.
Thedi57abywill flashif dTeprobeis inserted
_M'ter the internal lemI)eramre of th(
meat rea(bes 100°17, the changing
internal luml)eraulrt will b< shown
in th( displa}.
] _,Vh(n lh( internal l(llll)er_/ltll-(: Olc
Ill( lll(_ll re_l<ll< s tile lltllllb(tr }'Otl
have set, the probe and the ov(n
tmn oft and the ox'en control
signals. 'Ik)stop the signal, press
the Clear/Offl)ad.Use h<)t [}adsto
remove the probe fl-om the ti)od.
Do not tls(' lollg_ to ptdl on it--
they might damage it.
To change Ihe oven leml)el-_31ur< (hllJng
tile Roasl cxcle press the Bakel)ad and
then 113(?ntmll)er pads to sel tll_ new
soundandthedisplaywill flasbuntil theprobe
is reroovedfrerotbeoven
_*_111( II Ill(! ()Vell sl_rts to he,It, th( t_ord _}{YouCaRuse fl}e timereven though you cannot
l 0 LO will be in th< display, use Kroedovenoperations