Careand cleaning ofthe oven.
Be sure electrical power is off and al! surfaces are cool before cleaning any part of the oven.
How toRemoveProtectiveShippingFilmandPackaging Tape
Carcfhlly grasp a corner ot tile protective
shipping film witll your tlng(,l _, and slowly
peel it tiom tile appliance surfhc(. Do
IIOt t/se ally sllalp items to l-t*lllove the
t_hn. l{('nlow all ot the t_hn ])ell)re using
the appliance for ]be ]]l_,t time.
To assure no damag_ is done to tile
t_nisb of the product, tile safi_st way to
relllove tile adbesive l'rom packaging
ta])_ on new ai)pliances is an appli(ation
of a llousehold liquid dishwasbing
detelgent. Appl} with a sofi clotb an(]
allow to soak.
parts fl cannotberemovedflit is bakedon
Oven Light Bulb
beremovedonlywhencold Wea_leglatexgloves
mayoffera bettergrip
Betin-e replacing the ])till), disconnect
electli(al power to tile oven at the main
fuse or circuit breaker panel. Let the
bulb cool completely bef_)re renloving it.
For your sal_kq},do not toucll allot bulb
with a damp (loth. If you do, ]be bulb
will break.
Turn the glass cowr counterclockwis(
1/4 turn until the tabs of' tbe glass coxer
clear tile grooves ot the socket. Removc
lhe bull).
])tit ill a nt'w 40-watt al)pliml(t" bulb.
])lace lhe tabs el tile glass cover into tile
grooves of tile sockel. "Iku'n tile glass
cov(r clockwis( l/4 mrn.
_'_A 40-wattappliancebulbissmallerdTana
i!i:,Reconnectelectricalpowerto tbeoven
i!i:,Forimpmvedlighdhgbside theoven,clean
tbeglasscoverfrequentlyusinga wetcloth