
Use/oil only as dire(ted in
this mmmal. TV dinners
may be mi(rowa_'d in toil
trays less than 3/4" high;
remo_e tile top toil (over
_ll/(I ret/lrl/ the tr_l} to t]le
box. When using toil in
the mierowa\e ovell, kee t)
tile/oil at least 1" away
ti'om tile sides of tile oven.
Plastic cookware--Plastic
eookware designed tot
micro_,_a_ e cooking is very'
usetill, but should be used
(aretillh. E_en n/icrowa_'-
sale' plastic may not be as
toleram of o_ercooking
COll(fitiOllS as are glass or
ceralIliC materials and
may soften or char if,.ted to short periods
of o_er(ooking, hi longer
exl)os[Ires to over(ooking,
tile tood and cookware
couM ignite.
Follow these guidelines:
I Use n/icrowa\e-sa/_'
plasti(s only and use
them in stfi(t (on/plian(e
with the cookware
l//_ll//lt_t( | liter's
recol//lIlel/d atiol/s.
[)o I/O| II/icrowave el//lIty'
COl/tail lets.
3 Do no| tiennit children
to use plastic cookware
without (omplete
The/ml will ot)erate
automatically under
certain conditions (see
Amomatic Fan teamre).
"Ihke care to prevent the
starting and spreading of
accidental cooking fires
while the veto tml is in use.
Clean tile mlderside of
the l//ierowa_e o/]ell.
l)o not alh)w grease
to build up on the
microwave or tile
thn filters.
hi the event of a grease
{ire Oll the s/lr/ilce Ill/its
below the n/icrowa',e
oven, smother a {lanling
t)_lll OIl the s/lr/ilce Ill/it
by co_ering the t)an
con/l)letely with a lid, a
(ookie sheet or a tlat tray.
Use care when cleaning
the veto/hn filters.
Corrosive cleaning
agents, such as lye-based
()Veil eleal/ers, I//_l}'
damage the tihers.
When preparing
flaming toods raider
the mi€rowave, tllrll the
Vellt t_lll Oil.
Never leave surthce units
beneath your microwave
oven unattended at high
heat settings. Boilovers
cause snloking and greasy
spillo_ers that ma} ignite
and st)read i/tile
l//ierowave vellt ]_tl/ is
operating. "lb minin/ize
a/ltOlil_ltic t_lll operatlOl/,
use adequate sized
cookware and use high
Ileal 01/ sHrt_lee HllfiS
olllv whell I/ecessaFv.