
Hm e u questio]/ or m/eed ;]ssist;mce _]t]] your u}>p]i;mce? Try the (}E App]ium/ces Website 24 hours u day,
am' day o{ the year! if(n" greater com,'em/ie]/ce am/(] S_ster service, you c;m m]o!_ down]o;_d ()w]]er's Mamm]s,
order parts, catalogs, or e_ en sched]de service om/qim/e. You cm/also "Ask ()ur Team of Experts
}'OIIT (]llestio]/s, am/(] SO milch mote...
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Expert (;E repair se]_'ice is onh, one step away f]'om )ore" doo]_ Oet on-lim/e and schedule _om" service at
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bHsim/ess h o[ 0]'s.
flea/Life DesignStudio
(;E supports the [ Im/iversal Design concept--products, set'rices mid emwironmem/ts that cam/be used by
people _g a]l uges, sizes am/(] capabilities. We recognize the m/eed to design {br a wide _:mge _ff physical mid
mere/to] abilities and impairments. For details of GE's [ Im/iversal Design N)plication/s, h/cludim/g ldtchen
design idea s tb r pe opl e wi th disab]l] t] es, check o i1t o u r Webs] tet odor. For the h ea _Jm/g ]m pa] re d, pleas e coil
800.TDD.(;EAC (800.833.4322).
[_I_]"el/o's e a' (;E ext el/de d wa rru m/b ;_m/d 1eam ;_b o l_t speci a l di sco _mts th ut a re a'_'ailu bl e w h ile "_o_,u" w urru _/r_,
is still i_/effect. 5:i_u c;m pro'chase it o_/-]i_/e a_/)time or call S00.6262224 dmi_/g m_rma] busi_/ess horn's.
(;E (]{m s_m/er H (}me Se_'vi ces will still be th e_'e after y(}_u" wa r_;__/ty expi res.
Parts and Accessories
I_/divid_mis quulif]ed to se]_ice their o_/upp]iu_/ces c;m ]]a_e parts or uccessories sent directh' to their
homes (VISA, MasterCard mid Disco',er cards are uccepted). Order o_/-li_/e toda 5 24 horn's every day or
bv p]]o_/e at S00.626.2002 (]mJ_/g _/orma] bush/ess hours.
Instructions contained in this manna_ cover procedures to he performed by any _ser. Other servicing ffenera#y
sflo_ld he referred to qnalified service personnel Cantion mnst he exercised, since hnproperservicing may canse
nnsefe operatim_,
ontact Us
[J__o_1 ure _/ot satisfied _&ri[hthe ser_ke _o_1 receive {_'om (;E, contuct us o_/ore" _'ebs]te _&rith Jill the details
i_/c]udh/g yore" phone mm/be_; or w_Jte to: (;enend Ma_/age_; (51stomer ]),elations
(;E App]im/ces, Applim/ce Park
I,ouisv]lle, KY 40225
RegisterYourApp/iance www.;EApp
Re_ster your new appliance on=l_-_e--at your convenience! T[meh, [)rodwt regist]:_tion,, will allow {or
e_/ha_/ced commlmicatkm mid promi)t service imder the terms of_om" wari_mt}, should the _/eed arise.
_)_ ma',' _lso m_il i_/the [_re-i _rh/ted regist]_tio]/,, curd i_/cluded i_/the [x_ckh/_,__,material.
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