
USing the oven, w w.CEA,,li =oee.oom
To avoid possible burns, place the shelves in the desired posifion before you turn the oven on.
Before you begin...
The sheh'es ha',e stop-Hocks, so that when
placed correcdv on the slq)ports, they will
stop before coming completely olst, and
will not tilt.
When I)lad rig<and removi rig<cookware,
pull die shelf out to the bump on the
Toremove a sheg p_ll it toward To< dk
die fi"ont end lip and i:ml it ore.
Torep]toe, place tile end o{ the shelf
(stop-locks) on die rapport, tilt Iq:_tile
f_'ont and pmh the shelf in.
NOTE:30" ovens(sMwn) Mve 6 si_elfpogtion,v.
27"ovens have 4 shelfpositions.
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
[] Press tile BAKE pad.
[] Press tile TEMP+ or = pads to set
tile desired tem[:)
[] Press the START pad.
Ill ]II i Ill I lIll tIlll e oll ]"eci pe. C( _ok ]oil get
[] Press the CLEAR/OFFpad when
cooking< is. coml_lete.
NOTE: Onsomemodd,s; the lower ovenis"
contTolledwitt_a knob. Toset tile ovenfor
baking,mm theknob to tDedea?ed settbg or
temperature. TamtM knob to OFFwhen bakbg
/s complete.
Ovee Shelf Pesitiees
TVpeef Feed 27" al"
Frozenpies BorC CorB
Angelfoodcake A B
Bundtorpoundcakes B B
Biscuits,muffins, BorC CorB
Casseroles BorC CorB
NOTE:A coo/sTagfanmayauton7atk'a//ymmon
andoff mcoolbtemalparts.Ti_isis normaland
thefanmaycontinuetorunevenafterbe ovenis
Preheating and Pan Placement
Preheat the oven if the recipe cals }br it.
To preheat, set the oven at the correct
tern peru ture. Preh eati ng is n ecessa _wfor
good results when baldng cakes, cookies,
pasn w and breads.
ten< preMat 10minutes.
Baldng resu]ts wil be better if baldng
pans are centered in the _ en as m ii(h as
possible. Pans should not to_lch each
other or the walls of the o_en. troll
need to me two shelves, stagger the pans
so one is not directly abo_e the other;
and ]ea_> approximately ]i½" between
pans, Ih'om the Jh'ont, back and sides of
the wall.
Cut slits in the foil just like the grkL
A_uminum Foil
\i_l can me abe/hem %t to line the
broiler pa.n and broiler grid. Ho_e_ e_;
you mint rook!! the fill tightly to the g_J(}!
and olt slits in it jmt like the g_Jd.
Aluminum foil mayalso be usedto catch a
Never en tirely cover ash elf with
ahm/hmm }bl, This will distmb tile heat
circ_dation and res_dt in poor baking
A smaller sheet of fill may be reed to
catch a sptlover by placing it on a ]ovcel"
shelf seve_v_]inches below tile food.