
For your safety, the information in thb manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal idury, or loss of life.
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act requires the Governor of California to
publish a/istofsubstances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive
harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.
The fiberglass insulation in self=clean ovens gives off a very small amount of carbon monoxide during
the cleaning cycle. Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation
fan or hood'.
When using electrlea/ appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including #le fo/lewing:
Use this applian(e (rely fbc its intended
propose as described iI_ this ()_l_eFs
Man ual.
Be sme yore appliai_ce is pcopedy
ii_stalled and grotmded by a qualified
technician in accoidance _dth the
provided i_stallaticm ii_stcucti<ms.
Do not atte,-_lpt to i>pair or replace any
part of yore" o_wn tmless it is specifically'
recommended in this mammal. All other
servicing should be cetbned to a qualified
Haxe the installer show _<m the location
of the ciccuit breakec or rinse. Mark it fk)r
easy reference.
Before per%truing any service, discom_ect
the o_n power supply at the househokt
distribution panel by removing the fuse or
s_dtchiI_g off the circuit bi>aker
Do not lemv childre_ alone---<hildren
should not be left alone or mmttended in
an ai>a whe_> aI_ appliance is in _lse. They
should never be allowed to sit or staI_d (m
am' part of the appliance.
Do I_ot allow anycme to climb, stand or
ha_g (m the door They could damage the
o_v_, or cause se\v_e pe cson al i_j u_>
Be sin> the o\w_ is secm>ly iI_stalled iI_ a
cabinet that is firmD attached to the hoHse
strHcture. Nexwr allow am'one to climb, sit,
stand or hang (m the o_wn door
Never lemv the o\_n doo_ open when you
are _ot wamhing the ove_?.
Always kee I) combustible v,M1 cove_h_gs,
cmtah_s or &apes a saf> distm_ce flom
VOIU" O\_1],
Always keep dish towels, dish cloths, pot
holdecs and other linens a sa_e dista_ce
}_om votH o_elL
Always keep wooden a_d plastic utensils
a_d camped food a sa_e distance away flom
voHr o_eil.
Teach chikken _ot to play' with the
comrols or any othec part of the oven.
Large scratches o_ impacts to gtass doors
can lead to broke_ or shatte_>d glass.