
Careandcleaningof theoven.
OVeB Ligflt Bu_ (onsome models)
_("-Sf-_"_,,_,,_ :_ NOTE" Theg/asscover(on some mode/s)sCroukJ
" b°c_e_ beremovedon/ywCrencold.Wean?rg/afexgloves
', , may offer a better gr/p. " "
i =
Bel_k)re replach_g the lmlb, discom_ect
electrical po_er to the o_em_at the maim_
fl*se or cirodt breaker panel_ I,et the
bldb cool completely bel_bre removim_g iL
For yol_r satb_', do mint tol*_ h a hot bl*]b
with a damp cloth. Ifyol_ do, the bl_]b
*_i]] break
Glasscover Toremove;
Tm-_ the glass cover com_terc]ockw]se
1/4 mm m_ti] the tabs o{ the glass cover
dear the grooves of the socket. Remove
the bl_]b.
Pro h_ a m_e_4(l-_att app]iam_ce bl_]b.
Place the tabs of the glass cover im_to the
groo_ es (:4the socket. Tm'm_the glass
cover clockwise ]/4 mrm_.
A 4O-wat_af_plrancebulbis smallertitana
Reconnectebctfica/powerto tireoven.
Forimproved/_qhtingbsidebe oven,dean
be g/ass'coverfrequentlyusinga wetc/oflr.
Receptacle S0CKel
"-. /
OveB Light BM#S (onsomemodels)
NOTE." The glass cover (on some
models) should be removed only when
co/d, Wearing latex gloves may offer a_.._____ !
be ergrip.
Eal T ON. Be orereplacingyour
oven light bulb, disconnect the electrical >
powerto the oven at the main fuse or
circuit breaker panel,
Be sm'e to let the light cover a_d b_db
coo] complete]}.
For yo_r sal_bw, do _ot to_*_h a hot Ndb
with bare hm_ds or a damp cloth.
[] Tm-_ the glass cover
com_terc]ockwise 1/4 mm m_ti] the
tabs of the glass cover dear the
groo_ es o_ the socket.
[] liJsi_g gloves or a d_T cloth, remove
the bl_.]b b} [:al]]i_g it straight out.
[] [Jse a _ew 130-voh Halogen b_db,
_mt to exceed 50 watts.
[] [Jsi_g gh_ves or a (h T doth remove
the b_db [}'om its [_ackagi_g, , . Do _ot
to_ch the b_db with bare fh_gers.
P_*sh the b_*]b straight h_to the
receptacle a]] the _r_}:
Place the tabs of d_e glass cover i_ t_
the grooves ()f the socket. Tm'_ the
g_asscover dockwise 11/4 mrm
For improved ]ighth_g h_side the
ovem c]ea_? the glass co_er
f_'eq_leilt]y mh]g a _et dot]/. This
sholdd be dime xd/e]/the ove_/is
] Recom_ect e]ectxica] power to
the o','e_.