
Possible Causes What To Do
"F--anda number You have a function Press the CLEAR/OFFp;M. Allow the oven t() (eel fi)r
or letter" flash error code. one hour. Put the oven back into oper;itiou.
in the display If the function * Disconnect M1 power to the oven tbr ;It le;lst 30
code repeats, seconds ;rod then reconnect power. If the fimctiou
error code repems, c,dl for service.
Display goes blank A fuse in your home may * Replace the fi_se or reset the circuit breaker.
be blown or the circuit
breaker tripped.
The clock is in the * See the Special features of your oven control set lion.
black-out mode.
Display flashes Power failure. * Resel tlle clock.
Unable to get the Oven control pads were * The BAKE and BROIL HI/LO pads must be pressed
display to show "SF" not pressed properly, at tlae s;/me time and held fi)r 3 seconds.
Power outage, Power outage or surge. * Resel the clock. If the oven w_s in use, you must reset
clock flashes it by pressing the CLEAR/OFF p_M, setting the clock
_md rescuing _my cooking flmc/ion.
"Burning" or "oily" This is normal in a * To speed the process, set ,/self:clean cycle fin a
odor emitting from new oven and will nfiuimun_ of 3 hours. See the Using the self-cleaning
the vent disappear in time. oven sectiou.
Strong odor An odor from the insulation "This is temporaly.
around the inside of the
oven is normal for the first
few times the oven is used.
Fan noise A cooling fan may * This is normal. The cooling tim will turn off :rod on.
automatically turn
on and off to cool
internal parts.