
For many foods, especially roasts and poultry, internal food temperature is the best test for doneness. The
temperature probe takes the guesswork out of roasting by cooking foods to the exact doneness you wan_
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The temperature probe has a
skewer-like probe at one end and a
plug at the other end that goes flTto
the outlet f17the oven.
Use of probes other than tile one
provided with this product may result in
damage to the probe.
Use tile handles of the probe and plug
when inserting and removing them fiom
tile meat and outlet.
i2 Toavoiddamag/bgyourprobe,donot use
tongstopull onthecablewhenremovlbg/_
i2 Toavoidbreak/bgtheprobe,makesurefood/s
p,u! ;/
>_Topreventpossiblebums, donot unplug
theprobe from the outletuntil the oven
i2 Never leave yourprobe inside the oven dunbg
a self-clean/bgcycle.
i2 Do not store the probe in the oven.
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After prepming the meat and pladng it
on a trivet or on tile broiler pan grid,
follow tllese directions for proper probe
[] Lay the probe on the outside of the
meat along the top or side and mark
with your finger where the edge of
the meat comes to on the probe. The
point should rest in the center of the
thickest meab: part of the roast.
[] Insert the probe completely into the
ineat. It should not touch thebone,
f:ator gristle.
For roasts with no bone, insert tile probe
into the meatiest part of the roast. For
bone-in h_un or l_unb, insert the probe
into the cemer of the lowest large nmscle
or joint.
Insert the probe into the center of dishes
such as meat loaf or casseroles. When
cooking fish, insert the probe fiomjust
above the ,gillinto the meatiest area,
pmallel m the backbone.
Insert tile probe into the meatiest part of
the inner flfigh from below and parallel
to the leg of a whole turkey.
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How to Set the Oven For Roasting When Using the Probe
Insert the probe into the meat.
Plug the probe into the outlet in tile
oven. Make sure it's pushed all the
way in. Close tile oven door.
Press the PROBEpad.
Press the number pads to set the
desired internal fi)od or meat
Press the BAKEpad.
[] Press the number pads to set the
desired oven temperature.
[] Press the STARTpad.
Thedisplaywill flashif theprobeis insertedinto
When the oven starts to heat, the word LO
will be in the display.
After the internal temperature of the
meat reaches 1O0°F., the changing
internal temperature will be shown
in tile display.
When the internal temperature of
tile meat reaches the number you
have set, the probe and the oven
mrn ()fland tile _)yen control signals.
To stop the signal, press the
CLEAR/OFFpad. U se hot pads to
rem{)ve the probe tiom the ti)od.
Do not use tongs to pull on i/--they
might dmnage it.
To change the oven temperaune (hning
the Roast (Tcle, press the BAKEpad and
then the number pads to set the new
i2 If theprobe/sremovedfromthefoodbefore
the fba/ temperatureisreached,a tonewi//
is removedfromtheoven.
i2 Youcanusethet/Ynereventhoughyoucannot