
Usingthe oven.
To avoid possible bums, place the shelves in the desired position before you turn the oven on.
_'_ ._ -_ _ []
30" ovens (shown)have 7shelf
27"ovens have 4 shelf positions.
Before you begin...
The shelves have stop-locks, so that when
pla(ed (one(tly rm the supports, they _dll
stop befi)re (r)ming (ompletely out, and
will not tilt.
When pladng and removing cr)okware,
pull the shelf out to the bump on the
shelf support.
Toremovea shelf,pull it toward yr)u, tilt
the flrmt end up and pull it out.
Toreplace,place the end of the shelf
(stop-h)cks) rm the suppr)rt, tilt up the
firmt and push the shelf in.
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
[] Press the BAKEpad.
[] Press the number pads to set the
desired temperature.
[] Press the STARTpad.
[] Che_k food fi)r drmeness at
minimum time on redpe, rook
hmger if necessa U.
[] Press the CLEAR/OFFpad when
cr)oking is cr)mplete.
andoff tocoolinternalparts.Thisis normal,and
Shelf Position
Typeof Food 27" Oven 30" Oven
Frozenpies BorC CorD
Angelfoodcake, A B
Biscuits,muffins, BorC CorD
Casseroles BorC CorD
Preheating and Pan Placement
Preheat the oven if the recipe calls fi)r it.
To preheat, set the oven at the conect
temperature. Preheating is necessm T for
good resuhs when baking cakes, cookies,
past U and breads.
l'_lking resuhs will be better if baking pans
me centered in the oven as Illllch as
possible. Pans shouM not u)uch each
other or the walls of the oven. If you need
to use two shelves, stagger the pans so one
is not directly ab_)ve the other, and leave
approximamly 1_/_,"between pans, flom
the flont, back and sides of the wall.
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Cut slits in fl_efoil just like fl_egrid.
Aluminum Foil
You (an use ahnninum fifil to line the
brr)iler pan and brr)iler grid. However,
yr)u must mr)M the foil tightly tr) the grid
and cut slits in itjust like the grid.
Aluminumfoil mayalsobeusedtocatcha
Never entirely cr)ver a shelfxdth
ahmfinum fi)il. This will disturb the heat
dr(ulation and resuh in poor baking.
A smaller sheet offi)il may be used tr)
(arch a spillover by pla(ing it on a h)wer
shelf several in( hes beh)w the food,