
Usingthe convectionoven.
NOTE'.Theconvectionfan will cycleon and off
while cooking to best distn#ute hot air in the
Theconvectionovenfanshutsoff whentheoven
dooris openedDONOT/eavethedooropenfor
longperiodsof t/_newhileusingconvection
cookingor youmay#orten thefife ofthe
/n a convectionoven,a fan circulateshot air
over,underandaroundthe foocL
Thiscirculatinghot air is evenlydistributed
throughoutthe ovencavity.As a result,foods
areevenlycookedandbrowned--often in less
time with convectionheal
Ideal for evenlybrowned baked foodscooked
onmultiple shelves.
Goodfor largequantities of bakedfoods.
Goodresults with cookies,biscuits,muffins,
brownies,cupcakes,creampuffs, sweet roils,
angel food cakeand breacL
Tile convection tim circulates tile heated
aiI" evenly oveI" and aI'Otlnd tile %o0.
Multi-Shelf Convection Baking
[] Whenconvectionbaking with only I shelf,
follow the shelfpositions recommendedin
[] the Usingthe ovensection.
Because heated air is circulated evenly
throughout tile o_en, fi)ods can be
baked with excellent results using
nlultiple shelves.
Multi-shelf' baking niav increase cook
tinies slightly for sonie fi)ods but tile
overall result is tinie saved. Cookies,
nmffins, biscuits and other quickbreads
give veI T good results with nlulfi-shelf
X'_l/eIl baking on 3 shelves, place one
shelf in the second (B) position, one
in tile fourth (D) position and one in
tile 6th (F) position.
Adapting Recipes...
You can use your tiwoi'ite recipes in tile
con_,ection ()veil,
When convection baking, tile Auto
]_.edpe'" Convei_ion f_'atui'e autonlaticallv
reduces the set regular lx_kiilg
teinpeiwture by tile reconmlended 25°E
See Auto Recipe_ Conversionin tile Speclcl/
features of your ovencontro/section.
Usepan sizerecommended
Somepackageinstructions for frozen
casserolesor main disheshave been
developedusing commercialconvectionovens.
Forbest resu/tsin this oven, preheat the oven
and usethe temperatureon the package.