
Usingthe timedbakingand mastingfeatures.
On double oven models, you can use timed baking in one oven while using self-clean in the other; you can also use
timed baking in both ovens at the same time.
NOTE: Foods that spoil easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stufings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to sit for
more than 1hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that
the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
i ¸¸¸@ i
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
Theoven wi// turn on iknmedlatelyand cook for a
selectedlengthof time. At the endof the cooking
dyne,the oven will turn off automaflca//y
Make sure the clock shows the correct
tiille of dav.
[] Press the BAKE pad.
[] Using tile number pads, enter tile
desired temperature.
[] Press the COOKTIME pad.
NOTE"If your recipe requkespreheatlbg, you
mayneed to add additional time to the length of
the cooklbg tl?ne.
[] Using the number pads, enter the
desired baking time. The men
temperatm'e and tile cooking time
that _ou entered will be displa} ed.
[] Press tile START pad.
Tile display will show tile changing
temperatm'e (stnrting at 100°F) and the
cooking time. The display starts changing
once the temperature reaches 100°E
NOTE:On doubleovenmodels, when usingboth
ovensat thesame tl_ne,the tl_nesshowing in the
display wi// be for thelast ovenseL Todisplay the
time set for the fkst oven set,press the COOK
TIME pad for that oven.
Tile oven will ('onfin/le to cook for tile
programmed am ount (ff tim e, then sh lit
off automatically, mfless tile Cook and
Hold teature was set. See the Special
featuresof youroven controlsection.
Press the CLEAR/OFFpad to clear
the display.
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How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
YOUcan set the ovencontrol to delay-start the If }ou would like to check the times you,
oven,cook for a specific lengthof timeand then haxe set, press the DELAYSTARTpad to
turn off automatlca//y
Make sure tile clock sho_:s tile correct
time of day.
[] Press tile BAKEpad.
[] Using tile number pads, enter tile
desired temperatm'e.
[] Press the COOKT/ME pad.
NOTE"If your recipe requkespreheatlbg, you
mayneed to add additional time to the length of
the cookbg time.
[] Llsing tile number pads, enter tile
desired baking time.
[] Press the OELAYSTART pad,
[] Using tile nunlber pads, enter tile
time of day }ou want the oxen to
turn oil and stnrt cooking.
[] Press the STARTpad.
check the start time _ou, have set or press
the COOKTIME pad to check the length
of cooking time you haxe set.
_Al/en the oven turns on at the time
of day you have set, the display will
show the changing temperature
(starting at 100°F) and the cooking
time. The display starts changing once
the temperatm'e reaches 100°E
NOTE:On doubleovenmode/s, when usingboth
ovensat thesame tl_ne,the tithes showing in the
display wi// be for thelast ovenseL Todl@/ay the
time set for the fkst oven set,press the BELAY
STARTor the COOKTIME pad for that oven.
Tile oven Mll continue to cook fi_r tile
programmed amo/mt of time, then shut
off automatically, mfless tile Cook and
Hold featuI'e was set. See tile Special
featuresof youroven controlsection.
Press tile CLEAR/OFFpad to clear
tile displa).
NOTE"Anattentiontonewill soundif youare