
GE Service Protection Plus '_'
GE, a imme recog_fized _;orkl_;kte fbr qtmli O' and depeildabi]iF; offers ?(m
Ser_dce Protection } h_s --comp]ehens_ e protection on aH yore app]bmces--
No Matter What Brand!
Benefits include:
* Backed by GE
* AJ_ brands covered
* Unlimited service calls
* All parts and labor costs included
* No out-of-pocket expenses
. No lfidden deductibles
* One 800 nnmber to call
We Ti Cover Any Appliance.
Angwhere. Angtime.
Yim wi]] be completely satisfied with oLlr service protecti<m or yol_ may re(p_est yol_r m<mey back
on the remaim_im_g vah_e of yore" comm'act. No ql0estiom_s asked. It's that simple.
Protect vol_r rei_igerato_; dishwasher; washer aN_d dryer; raN]ge, TVI VCR m_d mlach more--any brand!
['has there's m_oextra charge fin" emergency service amid low moN_tb]y tim_m_ch_g is aw6]ab]e. EveN_
icemaker coverage a_]d food spoilage protectitm is oib_red. ¥0_ ca_ rest eas}. km_wi_g that a]] yo_r
va] _mb] e b o_seb old products are protected agai _ st expert sire repai rs.
for more
:_\[I b_ands < )xe_e(t, Iq:> _o 2{} }_ms old, in ihe < mdm ntM {,S,
Please place in envelope and mail to:
General Electric Cempang
Warranty Registration Department
P,O, Box 32150
Louis_411e, KY 40232o2150