
Usingthe Sabbath Feature.
(Designed for use on t,_eJewish Sabbath and Holidays.)
The SabbaLhfeature can be used for baking/roasting only. It cannot be used for broiling, self-cleaning
or Delay Start cooking.
NOTE: The oven light comes on automatically (on some models) when the door is opened and goes off when the
door is closecL The bulb may be removed. See the Oven Light Replacement sect;on. Onmodels with a light switch on
the control panel, the oven light may be turned on and left on.
Iii iiii!
WTmnthe display shows D the
oven is set in Sabbath. When the
fiisplay shows D C the oven is
Hew te Set Safl#atfl Feature fer RegMar Baking/Roasting
NOTE:Tounderstandhow tM ovencontrolweft<L% acorn"_t( _(/_j_(:]:_t[_'( S(:t _1_. ) r]_
practice using regubr baking (ne/i-Sabbat/1)before
entering Sabbafll mode.
Make sure fl_edock shows 1becorrect time
of da_
Ih'_ ssand hold both @e BAKE ",rod RRRtL
Rl/_R pads, at tbe same time, umiI it_
dispI _ sho_s SE
[_] "['ap @e BELAY STARTpad m_dl
SAb bAtRappe_irs i]_ d_ displa}:
] Press d/_ BAKE pad. No sig_al @11
b(! gJ_(!n.
] The p_es(t staring/empera/m'( _ilI
a_ttomadcally be set/() 35(P. ']hp @<
the temp( t:atl_['e in 5 _hKr{ meres. (The
TEMP+or -p@ should be tapped {i)17
e_ch {e/llpe_lttlF( (:hal/g(; pt:essi[_g md
hokling these pads wiI1 not @o_
temperatm_ can be s(t b(twe(n ] 70 _
md 550L No signd or tcmpcmmrc wiI1
!)e gg,zelL
Pr(.ss the START pad.
] Al'Ier a _'a]_dom (Ida? peiod o_
appvoximat(4) 30 se(onds to ] mhm_(,
c will _ppea_ in the dispI_?, hHIR @_g
t[_at the o_cn is b &ingiro _sdng. 1[ D c
do(s no_ q)pear i_ the displa}, s_aH
_gain _ swp 4.
'1i) _(/j_s_ dw ()x{n l(mp(r m_re, pHss die
RAKEpad md tap the TEMP + or - p@s to
i_K:c{.ase or d((;leaa( tl_e tPlllpe['ttllF{ ii_ 3 °
i_(:r( meres. (The TEMP+ or = p@ sho@d be
tal)p(d !or each _(mp(ramre chang('; pr{ ssing
md holding these p@s wilt not al!ow acc[II"4te
temper4mre se@_g.) Press the STARTpad.
pads arc a(d',c du[ing the Sabbath lu:tmr(,.
VV?tenthe display shows _ #le
oven is set in Sabbath. VVhenthe
display shows _ c the oven is
Hew te Set Sabbath Feature fer Timed Baking/Reasting
= immediate Start and Autematie Step
NOTE: Toundmssnfl how the ow?ncontrol wor_,
praclfce using r_qu/ar(non-Sabbatic)[mmediat_ Start
and AuSm<_ticStop before entering fi_eSabbathmode
Ma/<esure the clock sho_s file correct time
of da/
] Pr(ss a_d hold both @e RAKE and RRRtL
Rb'LR pads, at the same time, umiI @_
display shows SE
[_] TAp d*e REL_YSTARTpad m@l SAb bAtH
ap!)ea_'s i]_ @( dispk_}:
] Press @e START p@ a_d D _iI1 apt}(_r
i]_ dw dispIa?,
[] l'_(,ss d*( CRRKtNR TtME pad.
hess @( BRRRand MIN + o_"= pads _o
] set dl( desi_'( d Ie]%@ ot'(ooking din(
b(qwu(_n ] minut{' md 9 ho[l_T; ;rod 3(.}
mimm.s. The cooki]_g timu that }ou
emvred wilI be dispL_bud.
P_vssthe STARTpad.
Press @( RAKEpad. No sig_mI wii!
!)(! g,_'_ (!1L
_i/Holn;/ti(: _l[} B(T S(t to 2_)() k '1;_}) tlI(T
TEMP + or -pads _o i]}(Tl(}_ts(of (](f(T1(f_ta(T
the tel!/liel'_Ht['( ill 3' ii_cF<'lll( nts.
(The TEMP+ or -pad should be rapped
[br (a(h temperature' chang_ ; pressing
m*d [*()lding these p_v!s wilI _*ot allow
_c(:u['a_e temperature setdng.) The
temp(ramre can be s(t be_wee]_ ] 70'
inK/55(t. No sig_al or temp( r m_>
wi]l be gJYc*L
Press the START pad.
] ,\t_er _ rmdom d(da}, p(riod ot
approximawl; 30 seco]_da to I mimm,
D c wilI _pl{){_:{_i_ thu disli_y indk;@ng
that the o_ e_ is bakh_g!roasdng.
[[ D C does not appear i_ the dispia},
smH %4i_* at step 7.
'1"o _(!}ttst the o_e_ t(mpenm_['e, press the
RAKEp @ md tap the TEMP+ or - pads to
incrc _s(! o[" d( cFc;{s( th{ _ tt_IHI)( r_'{HII'{ _ il! ,_')'
inc['(.munts. ('[hu TEMP+ or-pad sholdd b('
t_qppcd _b["c_(h _{'mpcr4t_rc c[m_gu; p['cssing
md holdh_g @ese pads will n()_ aUow tc(;m" _w
temperatm-u setting.) Pruss the STARTpad.
Whe]* cookh*g is linish{d, th{ display will
(hang(' !i'om D c to D md 0:00wilI tl)pea&
indk; @rig that @e {n'un has turned OFF
but is s@l set in S:d)b @L Rcmov( th(.
cooked [hod.