
Special featuresof your oven control.
Yournew touch pad control has additional features that you may choose to use. The following are the features
and how you may activate them.
The special feature modes can only be activated while the display b showing the time of day. They remab
in the contro/2 memory until Pie steps are repeated.
When the display shows your choice, press the STARTpad. The special features wi/! remain in memory after
a power failure, except for the Sabbath feature, which will have to be reset.
With#_isf_ture, shouldyouforgetandleavethe
ovenon,thecontToIwill automaticallyturnoff #To
ovenaMr 12hoursd_ingbakingfunctionsor
after3 hoursduringa bro#MTction.
I:[_ol_ wish to mm OFFd_is feature, f_llow
[] Press the upper ovel_ BAKE amid
BROILBI/LOpads at d_esame time
for 3 sectmds m_d] the display
[] Pressd_eBELAYSTARTpad m_dl
fie $hdff (m_ sitar-of[) appears im_the
Press the START pad to lock im_the
fie ShdYt (_o sh_t-of[) [eatm'e amid
lea_'e the co_trol set im_this special
Onmodels with ovenknob(s),t¢fs featureis
not avai/ab/e for the lower oven.
Fahrenheit or Celsius Temperature Selection
Yourovencontrol is set touse the Fahrenheit
temperatureselectionsbut youmay changethis
to use the Celsiusselections.
[] Press the upper (_'e_ BAKE a_d
BBOIL BI/LO pads at the same time
for 3 seco_ds _mtil the display
shows $E
[] Press the BROILHI/LOm_d COOKING
TIME pads at the same tickle.The
displa) will show F (Fahre_heit).
[] Press d_e BROIL HI/LO m_d COOKING
TIME pads agai_ at the same dine.
The displ;_y will S_(}_ r C (C,elsi_s).
[] Pressd_eSTARTpad.
Onmodels wiff} touchpad controls"for bot¢}
ovens, the new setting will be disp/ak_dfor
both ovens.
Onmodeb with ovenknob(s),t¢fs featureis
not avai/ab/e for the lower oven.