
Adjust the oven tbermestat De it youme/f!
Youmay find that your new oven cooks differently than the one it replaced. Use your new oven for a few weeks to
become more familiar with it. If you stiLLthink your new ovenis too hot or too coLd,you can adjust the thermostat yourseLf.
Do not use thermometers, such as those found in grocery stores, to check the temperature setting of your oven.
These thermometers may vary 20-40 degrees.
NOTE."This adjustment wL!/only affect baking and roasting temperatures; it does not affect broiling or self-cleaning
temperatures, The adjustment w_qbe retained in memory after a power failure.
To Adjust the Oven Thermostat (o_7somemode!s)
[] Both tolmh pad ovem_s _bll(}w the [] The (}ve_ tempe_m_re can be
same step 1. First press the upper a(!il_sted up to (+) 35'T' hotter or
ovem_BAKEmid BROILHI/tO pads at
the same time f_w 3 secom_ds m_fi]
the display sh(}_s SE Them_ proceed
with steps 2 thr/)/lgh 4, I_sh]g the
pads fi}r the Iq:/per or lower ovoid.
...... [ -, , []
[] Press the BAKE lad _ tw!}-digit
m]lm]ber sh ows i m] the display.
(-) 35°F coole_:, Press the TEMP+
pad to h]crease the tempe_;ttm'e ]m]
I-degree h]creme]]ts. Press the
TEMP= p'ad to decrease the
tern peru m re im_ I-degree im_crem em_ts.
TVhe]] ",{:,/_h;B'e m'_t(Ie the
a(!i!astment, p_'essthe STARTpad to
go b_/ck to the time of day display.
[Ise y/)tlr eve]/ as yell woll]d
m]O/]'N]_/]I V.
):/: i I
g /
Turnthe disk counterclockwise to
incresse the oven temperature.
To Adjust the Oven Thermostat (o_somemode!s)
P_dl the OVENk_ob o_[ the shrift, look You will hear am] feel the m}tches as
at the b_/ck (}f the k]](}b ;rod _]ote the "_o_! tur_] the k_]ob. Each _]otch ch'moes
c/_rrent setti_]g be{ore makJ_]g a%' tempe];mlre abo{lt 10° Fahre]]heit.
a(!iustme_it. The km>b is [itct/}])' set with
the top screw directly raider the [:/oimel: [] Tighte_] the screws.
[] IP_!ll offthe OVEN k]]ob+ [] Retml] the OVEN kin'd) t{> the eve]i+
] I,oose]] both screws o_ back (}f fle-checkovenpeffom_ancebeforemakl?Tgany
the km)b. additionala@stment:s'.
H {}]d b{}th pa rts (}f th e k]] ob ;is
sh{Bv]] i_] the ilh_stratio]] of the back
(}fthe OVENk]_ob m_d mm s<}the
lower screw re(was i _] the desired
Turn the disk clockwise to decrease
the oven temperature,
Thetype of margarinewi# affect baking performanceS.
Most recipes for baking have been developed using high-fat products such as butter or margarine (80% fat). If you
decrease the fat, the recipe may not give the same results as with a h_gher-fat product.
Recipe failure can result if cakes, pies, pastries, cookbs or candbs are made with low-fat spreads. TheLower the fat
content of a spread product, the more noticeable these differences become.
Federal sta]]d;/rds re(]{_ire prod{_cts ]a])e]ed "margari_]e" to co]]tai_] at least 80% fi_t 1)} wei_h[ Low=tilt s[)re_tds o1] the
other hm/d, co]]tai_] less {i/t a_/d more w_tte]2 The high moistm'e col/to]it of these spreads a:[[ect the texture mid {];B'or
of baked goods. For best res_lts with "_o_lr old fiB'orite recipes, _lse margari_e, b_tter or stick si)reads.... c{mtaim _g,
at least 7(}_ vegetable oil.