
Usingthe self-cleaning oven.
The oven door must be closed and aft controls must be set correctly for the cycle to work properly.
Wipe up heavy soil on the oven
Before a Clean Cycle
Theovenmust be cool in orderto set the self-
dean cycle.
We recommend venting your kitchen
with an open window or using a
ventilation tim or hood during tile fi_t
self=clean cycle.
Remove tile broiler pan, broiler grid,
probe, all cookware and anv ahmfinmn
foil fl'om tile oven.
Tile oven shelves and convection roasting
rack can be self=cleaned, but tile)" _ill
darken, lose their luster and become
hard to slide.
IMPORTANT'.Tile health of some birds
is extremely sensitive to the fiHnes given
off during tile self=cleaning cycle of any
oven. Move birds to another well
ventilated room.
:_ On double oven models, you can
set a clean cycle in both ovens at tile
same time. Tile last oven set will
automatically delay its start tmfil tile
end of tile fi_t oven's clean cycle.
:_ On double oven models, you can use
timed baking in one oven and self=
clean tile other at tile same time.
Do not rise abI'asives or oven cleaneiN.
Clean tile top, sides and outside of tile
()veil door with soap and _'_ltei;
Make sure the oven light bulb cover
(on some models) is in place and the
oven light is off.
How to Set the Oven for Cleaning
[] Press tile SELFCLEAN pad,
[] Using tile number pads, enter tile
desired clean time, if a time other
than 4 l/om_ is needed.
Clean cycle time is nommllv 4 hom_. You
can change the clean time to any time
between 3 hom_ and 5 hom_, depending
on how dirty VOtlYoven is.
[] Press tile START pad.
Tile door locks automatically. Tile display
will show the clean time remaining. It will
not be possible m open tile oven door
tmfil tile temperatm'e drops below tile
lock temperatm'e and tile LOCKEDdoor
light goes off.
When this LOCKEDdoor light is off; open
tile doo_:
:_ Tile words LOCKEDor LOCKDOOR will
flash and tile oven control will signal if
you set tile clean cycle and tin'get to
close tile oven door.
:_ To stop a clean cycle, press tile
CLEAR/OFFpad. _,_]/en tile LOCKED
door light goes off indicating
the oven has cooled below the locking
teml)eratm'e , open tile doox: