
Careand cleaning oftheoven.
Be sure electrical power is off and all surfaces are cool before cleaning any part of the oven.
How to RemoveProtective ShippingFilmand Packaging Tape
Carefully grasp a comer of the protective
shipping film with your fingers and slowly
peel it from the appliance surface, Do not
use any sharp items to remove the film
Remove all of the dim before using the
appliance for the first time,
To assure no damage is done to the
finish of the product, the safest way to
remove the adhesive from packaging tape
on new appliances is an application era
household liquid dishwashing detergent
Apply with a soft cloth and allow to soak,
NOTE:Theadhesive mustbaramavedfromall
parts It cannotberemovedif it is bakedon
Broiler Pan and Grid
After broiling, remove the broiler pan ti'om
the oven. Remove the grid from the pan
Carefully pour out grease from the pan into
a proper container, Wash and rinse the
broiler pan and gn'idin hot water with a
soap-filled or plastic scouring pad
If food has burned on, sprinkle the grid
with detergent while hot and cover with wet
paper towels or a dishcloth,, Soaking the
pan will remove btlrned-on foods,
The broiler pan and grid may be cleaned
with a commercial oven decrier,
Both the broiler pan and grid can also be
cleaned in a dishwasher.
Do not store a toiled broiler pan and grid
anywhere in the oven,
CAUTION:Donotcleanthebroilerpanorgridin a
Removable Storage Drawer
The storage drawer is a good place to store
coola_'e and bakeware Do not store
plastics and flammable material in the
Do not overload the storage drawer, K the
drawer is too heax% it may slip off the track
when opened, To open the drawer, grasp
the center of the handle and pull straight
Most cleaning can be done with the drawer
in place. However, the drawer may be
removed if further cleaning is needed. Use
soap and warm water to thoroughly dean,
To remove:
PuLl the drawer s_aight out and lift over
the guide stops,,
Lift over the guide stops and slide the
drawer into place.
_,Spev,,ithsoap and v,,,ater.Rinse "_Nelir
Do not use cleansing powders or harsh
abrasives which may scratch the surface
Oven Air Vents
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: : : : : Never block the vents (air openings) of the
oven. They provide the air inlet and outlet
_ that are necessary for the oven to operate
i:: property with correct combustiono
Air openings are located under the control
panel, above the door