Safety Instructions o_ ........... Operating It_truc¢ions Controls--Dip Swit( hes Comrols--T_ rminaI Comle( tions 2 ...... 3-5 .............. 6, 7 On/Off Swit( h ............... \\ milation Control ........... 8 8 Care and Cleaning Air Fihers ................... Base Pan ................... Exhaust Coils ................ 9 9 9 Installation Heal/Cool Heal and Pum/_ Models 7500 Series Instructions Ele(trk al Supply ......... Installing the Zoneline Preparation ................
IMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATION. READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING. WARNING! For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life. _l I S ..,.__ _,/_ SAFETY PRECAUTIONS • This Zoneline m s be prop installed in a<
Controls-dip switches. o.oom Controls-Dip Switches Tim di 1)_wixch cc,nlrols are localed l:,ehind th_ fronl case panel, through an opening on lh( front of the trait. "1\__mcess tile dip switch(s, rcmovc tile fl-ont case panel by r_ moving tile fihe_; raking out tile tk_ur h-ont screws the upper two screws from the top ot th( panel und the shipping screws on euda side, il present. (Disc_wd the two sid( shipping screws, if present).
Controls-dipswitches. Freeze Sentinel (Requiresroom air sensor kit-RA VRMS) When this _wilda is enabled (UP), it ulrns OFF the fl-eeze sentinel protection tbature. With the switch disabled (DOWN), the fl-eeze sentinel is actiu/ted which automatically provides heat without us(r intertbce. TemperatureLimitiug (Requiresroom air sensor kit-RAVRMS) "12,mperamre limiting can reduc((nerg) costs by limiting tile lowest temperature that can be set for cooling and the highest mml)eramre that call b( set for heating. "Ik'mperamre limiting is controlled bv v_vitches 1-6 on the top block TL1(C)(Temp. Limit1-0oo0 TL2(C)(Temp. Limit2-Cool) | TL3(C,(Temp. Limit3-Coo0 [[_]_] of auxilialw contr,,4s. The fit-,t thre( switches are use(1 to sol(c1 tilt (ooling lilnits.
Controls--terminal connections. Controls-Terminal The terminal Connections conn,(lions t"1-O111 (2_tS{_ }}{/ll_._l ar( locate Motion Sensor (ObtahTed locally) The Occupan( 3 Sensor di1) switch must be in lhe up position to use this fi..amre. When connected, tile wall mounted motion sensor will detect motion in lhe room and aulomaticallv cycle th( unil I)etween noHnal ol)el_dtiOll alld ell( 1-_,3' lllall_t_t_ell]( L_ 111 Ol)eF_?tiOll, Motion Sensor The door and motion sensols work together u) automatically c}cle the unit b(tween normal ol)el_/tiOll alld (llerg) lllallag(,lllellt ol)el'dtiOll.
Otherfeatures of yourZoneline. On/Off Switch Thc unit on/'otf_,wil(h tile Zon( line. is located on Ill(' front ot Toturntheuniton,pre_sthe top ot the swit( h in. Toturntheunit oK l)r(ss the bottom ot the switchin. Ventilation ON/OFF switch Control The retaliation conuol lever is localed on the l(fl sid( of tile Zoneline unit, behind the front case panel.
Careand cleaning, gecom Turn the Zoneliue off and disconnect the power supply before cleaning. Indoor/Outdoor Coils The exhaust (:oils on the Zoneline should be checked regularly. If'they are clogged will_ dirl or soot, they may l)e prot;._ssionall} steam cleaned by your GE s( iMce (:ent_ l: D)u will need to remoxe lhe unit h-ore the case to inspecl the coils because the dirl buildqlp occurs on the exhaust side.
Zoneline Air Conditioners Installation Instructions Questions?Visit our Website at: or call 800.GE.CARES(800.432.2737). BEFORE YOU BEGIN Read these instructions completely • IMPORTANT inslru< insl)ector's • IMPORTANT ,_()V(_l'l]illg (od(s alld • Note D,:ilh A CAUTION: use. - Ob_,rv< a, or(lill_)l]( to Installer illSIrllCliOllS and carefully; - S_ve _l,,,_,, lions for local • Note IMPORTANT ELECTRICAL SAFETY-READ CAREFULLY (s.
Installation Instructions ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS Lse ONLY the _siring size recolnlnend_ outlet branch (ir(uit. Prop(r (urrent of" th00_VllPI'. [}lOt{(tion Recommended is tilt branch FOR 230/208 VOLT POWER CORD CONNECTIONS ONLY d for single r{sF, onsil)ility 1. Rcmoxc th( i)-ont pmlcl b} taking out the fk_ultront screws, the upper two scr('ws liom the top of the panel and tile shippillg screws on each side, if present. (I)iscard the two side shipping screw_,, it present.
Installation Instructions DIRECT CONNECT APPLICATIONS FOR 230/208 VOLT DIRECT CONNECT APPLICATIONS ONLY FOR 265 VOLT DIRECT CONNECT APPLICATIONS ONLY Direct conn_ ction to branch circuil wiring inside th_ provided junction box must I)_ made b? connecting as follows in sI;(ps 1-3 belos_ IMPORTANT: Commction of a 265V AC product to a branch circuit MUST be done by direct connection in accordance with the National Eiectrical (;ode.
Installation Instructions ZONELINE COMPONENTS Case Zonelineunit FrontCasePanel REQUIRED ACCESSORIES (Check the "Essential Elements" label on the unit.
Installation Instructions TYPICAL UTILITY CLOSET AND DIMENSIONS (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) UNIT INSTALLED THROUGH FRONT OF CASE UNIT INSTALLED THROUGH Top View Top View Architectural Louver AmhitecturalLouver SIDE OF CASE ql_ 3" rain. 7 Door/accesspanel 4"ilgn. Door/accesspanel Side View Rigid ductwork-_fr _ • , Outsidewall Unit inside wall --_ 4 rain. from front of case Unit installed throughFRONTof case. • 5" rain. from front of case Unit installed throughSIDEof case.
Installation Instructions UTILITY CLOSET CONNECTION LOCATIONS IMPORTANT: Plan and locate plenum, wall plug, drain and thermostat carefully to avoid interference.
Installation Instructions RETURN AIR GRILLE INSTALLATION OPTIONS The room return air grill{: ma) be installed toward th( flont or either sid{ ot the unit. Improp_ r return air arrangements will canse peHbrnaance problems. Thereare three indoor ReturnAir Grille Installationoptions.Choose the option t hat best suits your hlstallation rcquirelm,nts. Follow the Installation Instru(tions provided with the return air grille a(cessor) I_'orinstallation details. NOTE: Use only one filter in the installation.
Installation Instructions WALL PLENUM AND ARCHITECTURAL LOUVER INSTALLATION • Install the appropriate wall plentma through provided with the plenum. the exterior wall in accordance with the Installation Instructions IMPORTANT: The wall plenum is not designed to carry structural loads. Proper wall header construction is required. The plenum requires proper flashing, shim and caulk for a weather resistant installation. Proper header for stru(tu ral support. Apply proper (mdking and fl_lshing.
Installation Instructions [] INSTALL THE DRAIN An external or an internal chain must [] DUCTWORK |xe attached Prepare tile closet ductwork to {be later connection to the ch"ain connector. the case. External The total flow role (CF*[) and exlernal static pres,,ure (ESP) awilable can be esthnamd from tile chart below. [ 7s*!these charts to select x_mr thn speed setting. Th_ ,v collar on top of th_ ca_ a(cepts standaM 10 duct.
Installation Instructions [] INSTALL AND CONNECT THE CASE 5_INSTALL AND GROUND UNIT TO THE CASE UNIT INSTALLED 1, Remove tile ti-ont case panel and pull tile unit otlt ot tile case. Place the empty case onto the platl_nn in tile clos(t wifll tile outdoor side tilcing tile wall plemnn opening..Mign the case with plenum opening and attach with ,,ix t]eld-supi)li{ d sheet metal scrc'_'_ (corrosion-resistant scl*:ws reconnnended). THROUGH THE FRONT OF CASE 1. Slide tht _ l)_l(k of thc unit into the case.
Installation Instructions 7_ CONNECT THE TOP DUCT [] MAKE UNIT ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 1. Conne(t tile thermostat 1. Install lhe du(l Thermostat outlet. wires to tile unit and s(t 0,g, .................. il the dip switches to the appropriate seuings. NOTE: See tile Controls-Terminal Connections and Controls-Dip Switches se(tions ot this mmmal and the mmmal with th( separate thermostat for prtq)er connections and settings.
Installation Instructions SERVICING [] FINAL CHECK WARNING: Review this Checldist bctbrc restoring po_tm Correct line v<>hng(? Single circuit only? ] IVACR r3pe brcakerifhse? Ductwork (omm(ted? Case and unit level? Wall plenum cmllkcd? I,exel? Flashing? Drain t onne_ted? Wall thennostal wired con((tly? For ease t]l( cHse: of selxiee, tile unit call be remoxed 1.1 nphlg 1he power cord and disconnecl I nit wired corre(tly? I h( [] CONNECT Bef .
BeforeYouCallForService... Troubleshooting tips Problem Possible Causes What ToDo Zoneline does notstart The unit is unpluKge& • Mak(' su re lh(' Z{melinc into th( oullet. The fuse is blown/circuit breaker is tripped, • Check tile house fuse/cir(uit/)l>aker the tilS( or r(s(t the br(ak(r. The unit is u_aiting for the compressor overload protector to reset. • This is normal. it rt'sels.
Thingsthatare normal. Normal Operating Sounds PING! , / Y(m may hcar a pinging noise caus¢d by water being picked 111)and Ihrown against I11( condenser on rainy days or _dlen th( humidity, is high. This (h sign .... helps i)4/IllFe l'elllOV( lllOiSt/Ir( alld illll)l-OV( efl]ci_ ncv.
Please place in envelope and mail to: General Electric Company Warranty Registration Department P.O.
Consumer D(!ar Product Ownership Registration (]ustom(tr: "F_lkyo xv_'(! al'( fl)l ) [)l-oud Follow -c _s to hav(t these 1 agot you three Complete your Product toda)_ mind of knowing (onldcl die unlikeh' of we (IU ill exent your new 2 O_llerslfip th_ peace _1< dmnkvoutbrplacingyo to protect mail Ha_e sak'l o
VerticalZonelineWarranty. All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers, or an authorized Customer Care® technician. Toschedule service, on-line, 24 hours a day, visit us at, or call 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737). For service in Canada, call 1.800.361.3400.Please have serial number and model number available when calling for service. For The Period Of." One Year From the date of the erighTatpurchase Five Yeats From the date of the erighTatpurchase Staple your receipt here.
ConsumerSupport. GEAppliancesWebsite ] lave a queslion or need assismnc_ _dlh your appliance? "I)y lh_ GE Appliances Websile 24 houe, a (la?, any day ot the year! For grealer convenience and [_lst( 1-selvi(e, you (an no_ download ()U:ll{ l-'S Manuals, %.___________J ()l-del- [)aF[s oF evell schedule service on-line. ScheduleService Expert (;E repair selvic( is only one step away fi-om youl" doon (;el on-line and schedule your convenience 24 hom-s any da', of the year! Or call, Ot).