User's Manual

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26 MDS 4710/9710 I/O Guide MDS 05-3305A01, Rev. B
This command establishes the local radio as a root radio or node radio
for network-wide diagnostics. Entering DTYPE NODE configures the
radio as a node radio. Entering DTYPE ROOT configures the radio as a root
radio. Entering the DTYPE command alone displays the current setting.
See “Performing Network-Wide Remote Diagnostics” on page 37.
This command displays all the programmed settings with this one com-
mand. The HHT display is too small to list all the command settings at
one time. Therefore, this command is most useful if the command is
issued from a computer or full-screen terminal.
This command displays the transceiver’s hardware revision level.
INIT command is used to re-initialize the radio’s operating parame-
ters to the factory defaults. This may be helpful when trying to resolve
configuration problems that may have resulted from the entry of one or
more improper command settings. If you are unsure of which command
setting may have caused the problem, this command allows you to get
back to a known working state. The following changes to the radio are
made when
INIT is entered:
CTS is set to 0
DATAKEY is set to ON
DEVICE is set to DCE
PTT is set to 0
SCD is set to 0
TOT is set to 30 seconds and set to ON
PWR is set to +37 dBm (5 watts)
All other commands stay in the previously established setting.
INIT [4710/9710]
This command sets the transceiver for operation outside the P-20 chassis
by setting the following parameters as shown:
AMASK FFFF FFFF (assert alarm output on all alarms)
RXTOT NONE (receive time-out timer disabled)
This command can be used prior to using the INIT x720 command to
restore the standard transceiver defaults