User's Manual

MDS 05-6399A01, Rev. D MDS Master Station 61
Table 5-2. Approximate Reprogramming Times - Passive Mode
Modem Speed (bps) Approximate Time Required
6 hours
9600 1 hour, 30 minutes
19200 1 hour, 30 minutes
Radio assumptions: Signal strength -85 dBm or stronger, Packet Size: 40, Block Size: 512, Retry: 3,
Download Delay: Short
Polling assumptions: Serial polling with 1-second poll time, sending random data at 50-100 bytes.
Slower polling times will significantly increase completion time.
Table 5-3. Approximate Reprogramming Times - Intrusive Mode
Modem Speed (bps) Approximate Time Required
1 hour, 30 minutes
9600 30-45 minutes
19200 20-25 minutes
Radio assumptions: Signal strength -85 dBm or stronger, Packet Size: 40, Block Size: 512, Retry: 3,
Download Delay: Short
Polling assumptions: Polling should be temporarily suspended while OTA reprogramming is active.
Start Reprogramming
When ready to reprogram the SD firmware, click the Start Reprogramming action.
Protocol – There are many file transfer protocols supported, select TFTP, SFTP, FTP or HTTP.
Address (All) – Use this field to enter a valid IP address for the host computer (where file to be
transferred resides). For HTTP, this should be a valid URL (e.g.
File Path (TFTP/SFTP/FTP) – This field is used to enter the exact name of the file and path to be
Block Size (TFTP) – The TFTP block size to use when transferring the file. Default is 1024.
Port (TFTP) – The TCP port that the TFTP server is operating on.
User Name (SFTP/FTP) – The user to connect to the SFTP/FTP server as.
Password (SFTP/FTP) – The password for the SFTP/FTP server.
Control Port (SFTP/FTP) – The TCP port that the SFTP/FTP server is operating on. Default is 22 for
SFTP and 21 for FTP.
Data Port (FTP) – The TCP port that the FTP server uses for data connections. Default is 20.